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HEY! Let's get your AZZ in SHAPE!!!

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Babe I know what you're going through... Great job putting down the junk food! Try to get outside for a brisk walk today if you can manage it. Get some music going.


This man does not define you. Your worth is not defined by your relationship status. You will only be able to have a healthy relationship with him once you've begun to feel good about yourself again!

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Another small victory for me. Finally today i am trying to look at the glass half full. I did not eat any sweets or fried foods. The danishes were calling my name again about an hour ago. But I resisted. And then I did something truly amazing. I took the whole box and made a delivery to my brothers house. No more danishes saying "eat me" every time I opened the fridge.....lol

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Hello! Maybe you can help me! Im looking to totally tone up my whole body before the summer time and warm weather clothing comes out! i play college basketball yet still, not good enough because I do not lift during the season due to regular practices. I want to get rid of my flabby cellulite looking butt and things and tighten them up rock solid. my abbs too!!!! any ideas!?

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Sticking to the plan:


Nutrigrain bar and water for breakfast. ( I know this sounds small but usually I dont eat anythinf for breakfast so this is good)

Chicken Ceasar Salad for lunch (which is a miracle cause I hardly eat salad)

Three slices of unltra thin wheat crust pizza for dinner


And finally I got myself into the gym and did cardio today. I worked that treadmill like nobody's business.


I must say that I am proud of myself. I finally went at least once. 1 week into my 14 week journey. Doing well so far.............Hooray!!

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Check it out. It's mid February now, right? Well, in 14 weeks, it will be June 1. It will be GORGEOUS out. Guess who else can be gorgeous?


How does 20-25 lbs sound by June 1? Here's what I need from you.


1. Favorite foods. Make me a list. I want to hear all the stuff you like, healthy or not.

2. What's the new job? Tell me about it.

3. What type of excercize have you done in the past?

favorite foods super sharp cheese, bagels, breads, cashews walnuts, granola cereals, tomatoes, mushrooms, salmon, shrimp, starchy sweets, chocolate, LOTS of juice and water


job: i work as a designer ( desk job - I try to get up often tho)


workout: walk to gym 20 min..walk back...cardio from 20 to work out and then 30 min strength training or 45-60 min cardio and leave and walk back home 20 min.


some pilates



i'm not doing anything regularly enough anymore but it used to be 2-3 times a week, but i would double up my excercies..and do an hour of cardio and the strenght training together so about 2 hours then walk home....

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Great job soulsearchin25 Stick with it!


I had hockey tonight, and it was a GREAT workout (only 1 sub.. exhausting lol).


I had not eaten dinner, so I decided to make burgers (about 800 calories in all), since it'd give me protein and wasn't too carb heavy (I use flatbread buns now).


I should not have eaten anything .. or maybe something much lighter. I felt really sick after eating.. I really wish I didn't eat I actually wasn't that hungry - despite the workout and not having eaten anything since lunch... I just thought I should eat something.

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OMG, my wife and I just started the Insanity workout regimen (link removed) last night... it lives up to its name. I faired better than her, as I've been working out on and off for the last year, but she is in pretty good shape (chasing after a baby all day helps). Even still, she spent rest periods flat on the floor, and I was really struggling.


Should be an interesting 60 days. If this (combined with my improved eating) doesn't shed the fat I need to - I'm going pure couch potato fata$$ for the rest of my life. I'll trade up my hockey playing for softball.. or golf

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That's awesome, isn't it Insane??? I had to take the last week off because of this nasty cold but hope to get back into it next week. The best part with Insanity I noticed aside from getting cardio & strengthening done, my lungs feel expanded, was able to run a mile without much struggle after few weeks not to mention I'm not a runner and hate running.

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Ugh, tonight was... insane. I'm very sore and hardly able to move - my wife is completely immobile now - she can't even stand. We hope we're able to do tomorrow's.. it would suck if we can't move enough to do it.


Insanity is death for legs - for us at least. I actually would have designed it a little different, because my legs were the limiting factor - not my cardio system (heart rate/breathing). I think switching up legs and upper body more often would have been more balanced and taxed the participant much more effectively. Even still, I'll do the program as designed. Maybe my previous workouts have kept my upper body more fit and neglected my legs (which is somewhat true), so maybe my legs will shape up and I'll start to feel it in other places like my core (which I don't at all right now).


One thing that is freaking me out is that the fingertips of my index fingers (both hands) are extremely sore - like they are bruised - but there is NO reason for it. It has gotten worse throughout the day too, and much worse since tonight's workout. Touching them on anything (such as typing) is really not fun. I'll have to keep an eye on this.

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They do kill my legs too, I've been trying to focus on tightening the core like they talk about throughout the video. And my legs are the strongest as I've biked for years but it still burns after!


Not sure about your fingers...too much weight on some rotation???


But I think most of us pretty much collapse at the end especially the first few weeks. I think if you're not collapsing with exhaustion and drenched in sweat you're not really working out to your maximum. Of course without any injury and exercising with proper form of course.

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Yeah, I'm drenched in sweat after... but it is my legs that are limiting factor.. when you literally can't hop/jump anymore (not significantly), but I do still have cardiovascular capacity to do things, say, with my arms.


My legs are ruined today.. my calves are useless and I can't walk up/down stairs without using my hands on a railing. The Insanity stretches suck IMO - I really should have done my soccer stretches - I'll be adding them from now on. Now I have the problem of possibly not being able to do today's routine.. not effectively anyway. I'm going to try though, of course.


Picked up some protein supplement.. my wife and I aren't doing the nutrition program EXACTLY, but we are following the guiding principles. Oh, and trying to convince a recovering anorexic to eat MORE ... its not an easy task.

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First week, my legs were sore throughout. I noticed some days I know I'm not eating enough and another day I end up overeating. It's just trying to find that right calorie target depending on the level of workout and activities you've done for the day.


I'm not following it to the dot either but the shake does help especially right after the workout for recovery.

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hello all


I got a question about protein shakes. I'm 6'2 around 190lbs maybe 195 and I really want to get rid of some belly fat so I was wondering if I should skip the protein shakes for now at least until I can see my six pack again. The only kind of diet I follow is in the morning I'll have two eggs and some fruit, the rest of the day its whatever I can find. I lift three times a week and I can see results everywhere except for my stomach. I want to look sexy again

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ceez, I think you should cut carbs down to your desired caloric level and keep taking the protein shake. Basically, modify your carb/protein/fat ratio so that carbs are lower and protein is higher. As long as you are working out, then yes, get your protein. If you were not working out, then I would advise you to not take the protein shake, and trim calories overall.


I'm doing this very thing (along with the Insanity workout). My meals are now much lower in carbs, and much higher in protein, and I've added a protein drink after my workouts. Daily, I now probably consume around 80g of protein (including my supplement), about 100-120g of carbs, and around 20-30g of fat.


If your goal is to tone & burn fat, you should focus on your largest muscles as much as you can... those are your legs (quads, hams, glutes, calves) following by upper body (chest, arms) - all in that order of priority. The bigger the muscle, the more fuel it will consume. Just imagine working your pinky finger really "hard" for 30-60 mins a day, and imagine how much fat that could possibly burn... clearly not much. The larger the muscle group, the more effect you'll have.

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Still going strong with Insanity. With these intense workouts and my new eating habits, I BETTER see some results... just have to be patient I suppose.


I have hockey on Wednesday, so I'm going to let my legs rest up Tuesday, but that just means instead of doing the Insanity workout I'll do my old weight training circuit (primarily upper body work). Then Wednesday is my "rest day", but I'll be playing hockey, so that isn't much of a rest lol. That will complete week 1 (of 9).


I'm anxious and excited to see if my hockey performance improves.

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