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HElp!! wanna forget her for reaL!!!

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any1 out there got suggestion on how to completely forget abt ur gf when u are seeing her almost everyday??? i really wanna forget her.... I used to love her like hell and it is decreasing day by day as she kept breaking my heart... but now i am not satisfied with it... i wanna forget her completely... is there any tips to forget a Girl???


Completely Miserable now.......

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Well all I can say really is you'll get over her when youre truly ready to get over her. It took me two years to get over my ex boyfriend, but you know what?.. I got over him. It took a long time.. but I let my heart heal on its own, and I felt enough pain to know I really did love and care about him the way I knew I did all along. I see my ex everyday, but when I look at him I don't see a guy I use to love, I see him as just another person passing by. And two years ago I thought life would be depreeing wihout him.. but I'm more happy now than I use to be when I was with him.


Love is weird.. And I know what its like to want to get over someone so bad, but it just seems like every thought you have somehow makes it to where youre thinking of that person. Finding someone new always helps.. do things to keep you busy so you don't really have enough time to think about her or the memories yall once shared.. You'll get over her with time.. after all time heals everything.



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What? Why do you say she broke your heart everyday? Its cool if you don't want to say, but that makes me worry a lot because me and my boyfriend see eachother every chance we get and if something was making him think like that I would want him to talk about it with me. I think that you should try talking to her first, she may love you very much and not know whats the matter.

Good luck!

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QTpie, that is exactly the point I was planning to make. Confused guy, There are two points I would like to bring up. One, qtpie has already stated which is that you need to communicate in order for the both of you to better understand the state of the relationship and what its strangths and weaknesses are. Like qt said, she may not even know that there is anything wrong or may not know how to improve things. The second point is that if you feel that this relationship is going downhill so fast, why are you still in it?? Do not stay in a relationship that is making you miserable. I have made that mistake before. Do not fool yourself or the other person that things are ok.

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Is she yr X or still yr gf?!?! there are too many things which you didn't mention, like how was yr relationship going and stuff, so i wouldn't know, or say anything about it. For this reason i'll stick to the point....if its over and u really wanna move on, meet other ppl, date different grls, and get busy...DO NOT GLORIFY HER IN YOUR THOUGHTS..the past always looks better than the present remember, and your x's always look most gorgeous after u finish the relationship. if you see her every day, and u're on speaking terms then if there is anything to speak about do, but if not, just ignore her. there's nothinhg worse than going up to her and trying to act as a friend, when all u wanna do is ger her back. so if u wanna forget her, it is best to ignore her and move on

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its difficult gettin over someone that you see on a consistent and daily basis. The best thing to do is try to change up ur daily routine a bit. If you know she is going to be at a certain place at a certain time,...you can avoid seeing her by going there either earlier or later,... but dont change something u love just to avoid another...just alter ur time slightly from time to time...


As well, try to make a conscious effort to meet other ladies...and as someone said,...dont glorify the qualities that u loved about her most, as it prolongs ur "healing" time of getting over her. Involve urself in extra carricular activities that gives u that emotional rush which is proven to be healthy in times like these...


The hardest part of getting over someone, is the fact that deep down in our hearts, we really "dont want to"..and hold on as long as we can b4 we realize its time to move on with our own lives...




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