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The girl i am in love with, she cuts herself

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The girl i am in love with, she cuts herself and ive tried everything to help her, im there for her, i listen to her, i do whatever she asks but is there anything more i can do? she is going to see people about it at the hospital but she tells me she lies about things to them just so she doesnt have to go back. i dont know what i should do

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You need to put it like this to her... tell her you care about her so much that this is hurting YOU too. Tell her that her self-mutilation isnt only breaking her skin, but your heart as well. Sometimes people dont realize that the things they do affect others around them. Her cutting is a scream of help though, so she wants someone to notice what is going on with her. your attention helps a lot, and that may be what she needs. But convince her to talk to the people at the hospital more, because again, this is hurting your feelings as well because the amount that you love her. If she doesnt open up or tell her parents at least more about her problem.. you may have to tell someone yourself. It will hurt her, she will feel like you betrayed her... but in the end, she'll get the help she needs and she'll realize you did the right thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just try and be understanding. it's really hard to stop. make things good for her. get deep with her, ask her why she is cutting herself. help her sort things out. if she cuts just because she is addicted, you should help her slowly stop. i don't like talking about it. but i just got into a deep conversation with my friend about it and i haven't cut for a whole week! i want to and i crave to cut, but i keep it in. when i do she trys to be understanding and talk to me everytime. just do the same

sorry if i didn't really help i'm trying.

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I cut (nothing recent) and my best friend cuts - She was deep into it - she had marks on her arms that we're so massive, you'd think she had done it with a small chainsaw. Turns out - she was using a breadknife.


Make her understand that you love her (if you do) and that although it may not be hurting her as much, it is hurting the both of you.


If she's willing, go to the hospital or a therapist with her.

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I was n the same position as you only a week or so bak. My girlfriend was cuttin herself, i didnt find out until her sister told me, i talked it through with her but she still did not stop, i comforted her but she wasnt depressed, i made it known how much i love her and how much it hurts me to see wot she does. Now i know this isnt the fairytale way to end it and i know i will prob get a lot of critisism for doing this but one night i put cuts in my arm and showed her, she was really upset that she thought i was doin it too, so she could see how much it upsets me, she has since stopped as far as i know.

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when my boyfriend at the time saw my cuts and i quote him "what are you trying to kill yourself" some people dont understand what it's really for. i think you really care about her obviously since you're here asking for help.my best friend tried iceman's solution and it kept me from doing it but it only hurt me more because i thought i was setting the wrong example and then i only felt so hipocritical that i could do it but she couldnt it was horrible. sometimes when i get the urge to cut myself because something bad happens i do what she tells me to and i call her and talk it out..it makes me feel a lot better. let your girlfriend know that you're there for her and you dont want her to hurt herself because she's not only hurting one person it effects everyone that has ever cared for her.

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The*Iceman actually did almost exactly what my boyfriend did today...only nicer...


If he did what mine did to me this morning. He cut himself in front of me, to get the point accross. And he said, from now on, every time i cut myself, he would to. And i know he will, and i know i wont hide it from him...because im a good girl...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand what you are goin through, and so far all i can say is just be close with her, let her know that u love her, and u care about her. Tell her to talk to you every time she feels like doing it, no matter where it is or when. that way, you could help her with the urge to cut. But as others have said, it'll will probably be hard for her to stop. First, she has to want to stop. then it gets hard because it's an endorphin adiction. so she will need u to be there for her to suport her. Just be there for her and love her!





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