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Ever use poetry to woo a member of the opposite sex?

Cheeky Charmer

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The reason I ask is that I was looking through my old photos the other day and found a photo of me with an ex girlfriend from when I was 18. I remembered how shy and inexperienced I was then and I realised that I wooed this girl with a love poem.


I was too scared to tell her directly how I felt so I e-mailed her a poem, straight from the heart. Some people might have said it was cheesy and corny but it did the trick.


Just wondering if anyone's had similar experience.

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My high school boyfriend used to steal my lunchbag to get my attention. He wrote me a poem during one of our classes and slipped it to me. The poem itself was corny, but the sentiment was what stood out for me. By nature I wasn't one for those kinds of "mushy, romantic displays of affection". But, in my current relationship I have found myself wanting to and actually putting pen to paper in order to express myself. I still think they are corny, but my boyfriend likes them.

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When I was a sophomore in college at Arizona State, there was a cute guy who lived in the dorm room directly upstairs from mine... our balconies faced west so we when we watched the big, desert sunsets, we struck up a conversation. One thing led to another and soon he was reading poetry and Shakespeare from over the balcony. I was an English major so he scored major brownie points with me when he did that, and he ended up being my b/f for awhile.


Many years later, another b/f used to read passionate John Donne poetry to me in bed. He was a radio news reporter and oh, that voice.... he turned out to be a womanizer and a cheat, but I still like to remember the poetry in bed. I thought it was something fun and different.

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