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is this guy blowing me off? - update


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Hi all,


A week or two ago, I wrote in here asking for advice about whether a guy was blowing me off and whether to contact him. Here's the original thread:




Well, it turns out he was not blowing me off, or it doesn't seem like it. Earlier this week, he invited me to his birthday party, I went on Saturday (last night), and had an amazing time. He is as cute as I remember, and it was really fun! When I got to the party, it was couples, old friends who knew each other, the guy's siblings... plus me. Awkwardness level quite high, but still pretty sweet. I think he must have some interest in me if he invited me. When I was there, he payed attention to me (in a goofy and jokey way, which I like) for a lot of the time.


I'm not sure if this will go anywhere, but I thought I'd post an update because your comments were so helpful last time


- Someone who smiled on the entire walk home

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