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She won't leave my thoughts and that frustrates me.

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I won't bore you with the details of the breakup, just to say there is no villian in this story. It just didn't work out. It just turned out that I was way out of her league. She tried to ignore the realities but in the end everything caught up with her and one day she just....snapped. Perhaps my expectations of what I wanted in this relationship was too much for her. She remains a mystery. 5 months after the breakup I wrote her a letter just before Christmas wishing her well and thanking her for the brief shinning moment in my middle age life. I never heard back, but I never expected a response but hoped writing the letter would bring some closure for me. It hasn't. I have been in councilling for months. Yesterday, after a very emotional session, I left only to discover her car parked down the street. I see the car regularly [sometimes with her in it] and it always gives me a kick in the gut. Then I stopped into the corner store to pick up the local paper, only to find her picture on the front page regarding a school event. The combination of the councillng session, the car and then her profile somehow has put me into a tailspin. Perhaps venting a bit on line can help. Somebody once said ''what someone thinks about you is none of your business" but I do wonder what she thinks about me 5 months later. I have not contacted her since were broke up. In the meantime I go out of my way to stay out of her way, even though we live close to each other. Knowing where she is and what she is doing cannot be healthy for me.

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I think what you are experiencing, is very normal when you stay in the same town as your ex, it do seem that you are having a hard time with finding closure in this relationship that didn't work. Some times we have to blame someone to move on be it her or yourself. We have to learn from a relationship that has failed, you should concentrate less on what she think, only you matter now.

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