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To be fat or not to be.......

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I have a problem. I'm an 11 year old and I weigh 112 pounds. I'm 5'4'' and a half feet tall so everyone says I'm not fat but that its just "muscles" that make me be 112 pounds. Well every time I look in the mirror I see someone who is really fat and now I have this graduation party coming up and it's a swimming pool party. I'm going to have to wear a bathing suit and the guy I like is going to be there. I just want to be able to at least lose 12 pounds before the party but the party is in 9 days and I don't know what to do. If you have some idea to lose weight fast tell me please!!!!!!! I feel so fat .....

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All I have to say.. is you are really crazy if you think you're fat.

In fact, ure pretty skinny for ur height. My sister is around the same height and she weighs 10 more lbs then you and she is by far not fat and neither are you.

You lose 12lbs u will be under weight and the things that come with being underweight just aren't worth it. Most people I know who are so skinny stay sick all the time .. So what's better, weighing 112lbs and being healthy or weighing a 100lbs and be sick jus so a guy will like you? Besides, you're 11 who really cares how much an 11 y/o weighs?

Sorry to say but girls that think like that make me sick.. Why cant people just be happy with the way they are?!?!



-Mythical Suicide-

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You're not fat. You're a tall 11 year old. A girl who's 5'4" and weighs 112lbs. is a bit on the slim side I'd say. You shouldn't worry so much about your weight. If you're comparing yourself to your friends, don't because chances are you're taller than they are and that's why you weigh more. It takes a good amount of bone and muscle structure to build every inch of height, so don't think about losing any weight.

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Luv, you're the same height as me. I won't lie, I'm suffering from anorexia. I see 5 different professionals and they have ALL told me that my low-end of a healthy weight (at this height) is like 110. Thus, you're just fine.


Your BMI is 19.2. That's a ratio between your height and your weight. The low-end of healthy is 18.5 and healthy goes until 24. Over that is "overweight" and under that is "underweight". Does that make sense? PM me if I've confused you...

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