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Everything posted by ToyaSpell

  1. How do you know if someone likes you or not? I mean I wish guys would just come up to you and say they like you or not. People confuse me!!! So could someone help me to understand how you know if someone likes you or not? P.S.- Thanks everyone who helped me on my last topic.............I get confused alot.
  2. I have a problem. I'm an 11 year old and I weigh 112 pounds. I'm 5'4'' and a half feet tall so everyone says I'm not fat but that its just "muscles" that make me be 112 pounds. Well every time I look in the mirror I see someone who is really fat and now I have this graduation party coming up and it's a swimming pool party. I'm going to have to wear a bathing suit and the guy I like is going to be there. I just want to be able to at least lose 12 pounds before the party but the party is in 9 days and I don't know what to do. If you have some idea to lose weight fast tell me please!!!!!!! I feel so fat .....
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