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Ok so its been a month or so since I last posted on here and 3 months since I broke up with my ex. Just a quick back story. We were together for 3.5 years and had a very complicated relationship to say the least. Just before she left me I was diagnosed with serve depression (which made things all that much harder).


Now onto the successes from the 3 months ago I have learnt and grown more than I have ever in my life.


- I've gone from thinking about her every minute to maybe once or twice a day at the most (and these thoughts don't really hurt anymore).

- I've lost 10kg and have started to tone up a little

- I've started to take up hobbies I always knew I'd enjoy but never got round to do them

- I've got short, mid and long term goals set and am actively working towards them (which again I haven't done in years)

- I'm casually dating about once a week (None that I've had a connection with yet but it progress)

- I've planned trips overseas to look forward to

- I'm feeling the best I have in years and the most confident I've ever felt (and I've still got much more growing to do)


The moral of the story is that things will get better and time does heal all even if it doesn't seem like it right now. Keep yourself surrounded by happy, positive, supportive people and remember this is the biggest opportunity for self-growth and Improvement you have ever had so make the most out of it and get stuff you've always wanted to do done.


Always feel free to PM for any advice or with any questions

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I feel that it is good that you could come past your depression. I had a similar situation. Me and my ex broke up (this was a while ago) and then right around the same time my best friend killed himself. Of coarse I had to blame myself and I became depressed. I got out of it by moving on to other women and living in the moment. Things have been great since then.

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I feel that it is good that you could come past your depression. I had a similar situation. Me and my ex broke up (this was a while ago) and then right around the same time my best friend killed himself. Of coarse I had to blame myself and I became depressed. I got out of it by moving on to other women and living in the moment. Things have been great since then.


Have to agree with you depression was quite probably the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. There was a combination of things that lead to it but through continuing therapy I think my life about the best its ever been and is only going to get better.


I to know what its like (as would many others on here) losing those close to you (I had an uncle who I grew up with kill him self a few years back as well as watching my best mate die in a car crash) but things do get a whole lot better.


Staying busy and setting goals etc is the main thing. I've found its helps me find the real me and find an identity.

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