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Mousty's Toddler Speech Development Journal


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Date: January 3rd 2010


I have attended my last Christmas dinner yesterday. My cousin who is a speech pathologist was also present and I was able to make some time to speak to her about Luka.


She has recommended me to speak to him in shorter sentences of two to three words at a time. I was usually making long complex phrases/sentences, which probably was quite confusing to him. She says to reinforce the toddler's play activities with his action. Ex: coin, coin in etc... and to repeat it a lot. She told me to expect to get bored of talking to him in such manner and reassured me it was normal.


The book "It takes two to talk" and the "Your baby can talk" DVD set came in yesterday as well. I have decided not to use the DVD set as I cannot play it in French. The book recommends the rule of "1 person, 1 language" or "1 setting, 1 language"... none of which would apply to my DVD situation.

I love that the book gives you example of words to teach your toddler while playing with him so he can grasp a variety of concepts. The book also suggest creating game/play routines with the toddler which I also will begin.


I've created us a new bath time game which involves concepts such as: "in", "glue" and "press" (not exact translation, but close enough). I will try playing that with him at least once per day in his bath to reinforce the concepts.


My main goal for him right now is to get him to string two words together such as more milk to express his needs.

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My son is getting slightly better day by day. His vocalubary is improving, but he is still not much of a natural talker.


He knows his body parts, favorite toys, clothes, primary colors and animals quite well - which is pretty much memorization.


Right now, I'm mostly concerned because he doesn't seem to clue in to what I ask him. For example, if I ask him whether he would prefer water, milk or juice - he often times doesn't answer or gets frustrated. If I ask him to do a simple task that isn't one that we repeat over and over again, he gets frustrated. Or worst.. he doesn't "clue in" that I'm talking to him. He might just not pay attention to what I say.


I called my cousin to get some advice on Luka tonight but she didn't answer. Understandable as she has a 2 year old and 5 month old herself. She's probably exhausted.

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I need to figure out a way to work on his words that doesn't drive me absolutely crazy. I do clock in the one hour per day that has been recommended to me. I do different activities like measuring, playdough, rolling cars, bath play etc... it's just all very mind numbning to me at the moment. I focus on very small sentences from 1 to 3 words like "over", "under chair".


I know it will help him out in the end, but all I can seem to get excited about is the new house. I feel a bit guilty about it.

I do see a bit of progress with his words, either parts of a word, understanding or more.... I still wish he would understand me when I'm saying "more milk?" Seems like such a simple phrase.


He's supposed to be talking in 2 to 3 words sentences, talking about himself etc... he's very far from that and it's discouraging. Maybe I'm not speaking french at all.. some mysterious language... and I don't understand when the language is spoken back to me... *eugh*

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