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I would never say it with forethought, but sometimes we can't help being hurtful in the heat of the moment. My boyfriend and I both know that he's not stupid, but I can imagine myself saying that to him if he said something particularly uncharacteristically stupid. It'd be hurtful and uncalled for, but sometimes we're not completely in control of our dark sides.

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Yes, I always thought I would never do it, but I have in this relationship. And, actually, more then once. Not to make excuses, but I have an extremely short fuse and my normal reaction when upset is to lash out verbally. Not a good trait, and something I have high on my priority-need-to-improve list.

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Erm yes i have when me n hubby are in a full swing argument i have said it and he has said it to me but we don't see it as a bad thing. Now if was to call me thick then that would really get my back up so i suppose it depends on what certain words mean to each other as to whether they get said (does that make sense?)

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