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How can i die but not.how can i feel without feeling

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i want this life to be over. i really do.ive had enuff of the people ive had enuff of the society we blindly follow. I hate myself and i hate my life but what can i do? kill myself? I have a beautiful daughter. the only ray of light in my life.I wouldnt abandon her to the life i despise so much without giving her all the energy i can.but noone understands me, noone knows how hard almost every moment is to get thru. its like i feel nothing...and that makes me feel sad.and that makes me feel pathetic.no happiness.no joy at least nothing of note.but it goes deeper than that.i feel like a child expected to be an adult in an adults world.im not a child matter of fact im not a teenager.im a dad.im a partner.im almost a failure.im burnt out.i cant take much more but when the only option to make the hurt go away isnt available what happens when i hit rock bottom.then again i think i hit rock bottom long ago.im so tired.i feel like a guest at a house thats stayed too long.i feel like an old man ready to die.im sorry if this sounds crazy im also physically tired.

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Man you need to see someone and talk. Its a common place you're in i was like that a few yrs back and it was really bad. But we get through it. See a counsellor then you'll have someone who understands. Nooone can understand your situation if you keep it inside. Noone's a mind reader. Society can be hopeless and is to anextent blindly followed, but you can make it your choice not to blindly follow it. And there are lots of good things in society too that i dont think you're picking up on because you're caught up in all this other stuff. Take the pressure off yourself. See someone.

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As other post-ers have said, it would be in your best interests to talk to someone, perhaps a professional councellor, about your feelings.


Being a parent is one of the hardest, most tiring jobs in the world. It is also one of the most rewarding. You're a dad, a position that commands respect. Your little daughter probably will consider you to be the greatest man in the world, her hero. In the years to come, you must be there for her, and help her walk through the path of life, share with her your experiences and help her on her way. Look forward to the many years that you and your daughter are going to share with each other, and please, dont even consider taking her dad away from her - after all, you are the only one she's got.


We all have tough times, and whether they last a day, a month or several years, we do get through them - you just have to have faith in yourself.



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