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Being Around My Girlfriend's Family...


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My girlfriend comes from a big Irish Catholic family, and they are really close. They're a fun group of people... They're loud, they love their liquor, and they goof around a lot. They've referred to themselves as a dysfunctional family who knows they are dysfunctional and could care less.


Tonight we were over at her Grandma's for a few hours. Even though I like being around them, I started feeling depressed when we were there because it reminded me of the current situation with my family. (For anyone who hasn't seen any of my other posts about this, my Mom and sister disowned me a few months ago.)


The last time I posted about this problem, so many people told me I should try calling my Mom and my sister. I took that advice. But nothing came of it. When I called my Mom no one answered. When I called my sister my brother-in-law answered, and I asked if I could talk to her. He told me to hang on a minute. Then about 30 seconds went by, and he got back on the phone and told me she didn't want to talk to me.


I know it's the time of year bringing this all to the surface. I don't even celebrate Christmas, but it's still impossible to ignore it. Seeing the way my girlfriend gets along with her family and the way they all are with eachother was just a real downer, even though they treat me like one of their own.


I guess there isn't much advice to give here.

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I'm not very familiar with you previous posts but I'm so sorry at the current situation you're dealing with. It must hurt a lot to have your own sister not want to talk to you when your trying to reach out to her. Listen, even with that negative aspect of your life the best thing you can do is surround yourself with people that do care about you, ie. your gf and her family. It may not feel the same, but sometimes family doesn't always mean blood related. Don't worry, things will work out just remind yourself that even if your blood family is not giving you the love you need at the moment someone else still is so just be thankful of that. Best of luck to you.

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I'm not very familiar with you previous posts but I'm so sorry at the current situation you're dealing with. It must hurt a lot to have your own sister not want to talk to you when your trying to reach out to her. Listen, even with that negative aspect of your life the best thing you can do is surround yourself with people that do care about you, ie. your gf and her family. It may not feel the same, but sometimes family doesn't always mean blood related. Don't worry, things will work out just remind yourself that even if your blood family is not giving you the love you need at the moment someone else still is so just be thankful of that. Best of luck to you.


Thanks for replying. You do have a point. It could be worse.

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I'm so sorry HellFrost- I am alone from my family this Christmas too. Although we are on good terms we are thousands of miles apart and it hurts so bad.


I have my boyfriend like you have your girlfriend but it's hard to fill that void of your family.


There's the distance factor with my family also. I am in the US and they are in Europe. Even with that though, my sister and I used to talk almost every day.


My dad has nothing against me... But when my Mom stopped talking to me he did also by default. I still am on good terms with my two brothers. But I am not as close to them since there's an age gap there and I've been in the US so long.

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