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Telling your boss you are not motivated. Good or bad idea?


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I basically told my boss I am not motivated anymore to do my job last night. I have been in the same position for over 6 years and see no future or career advancement in my department. My job basically is a numbers game and my numbers have been on consistant downward path the last few months. I told him Iam not challenged by the position and have thought about looking for work elsewhere or going back to school.


Is this a bad idea to tell your boss this and being completely honest as to why I have not been meeting expectations and to why I have just been going through the motions instead of going above and beyond? My boss knows I could do better and he knows this position is not a challenge for me. I have basically come to a point where I really hate what I am doing, unchallenged, etc. I guess it could be basic burnout but I have come to the point where I need to do something else and I do not know if anything could motivate me to do this position anymore.

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Yeah it's definitely a bad idea, motivation is not really something that your boss is responsible for. I mean it's your choice to work there and if you don't feel like you are really contributing either live with the fact, and hope they don't let you go, move on to another job that you would be motivating to you or just don't do anything. Good Luck, I hope you find something thrilling in your life. I would say 96% of people could care less about their job. Mostly jobs are there to pay bills.


Oh and….Mo Money Mo Problems

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bad idea.

if you want to keep your job for the sole premise of earning money, then don't say a word.

he could use this against you if the company has to choose people to be made redundant.

if you hate the job, look for something else now and get one sorted for yourself before you quit.

we have all done jobs we hate. i dont ever reccomend quitting a job before you have a plan to fall back on. i have done this before and it has left me in dire straits.

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It's only a bad idea if the work environment at your company is not healthy.


Effective organizations do in fact take responsibility and pride in motivating their staff. Most middle managers are goaled rather heavily around motivating their employees and reducing attrition. I think people who have a kneejerk reaction of "That's bad!" have a kind of unrealistic view of how many companies operate. Not everyone is immediately expendable, and employee satisfaction and managing career pathing are what separate the good companies from the bad.

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It's only a bad idea if the work environment at your company is not healthy.


Effective organizations do in fact take responsibility and pride in motivating their staff. Most middle managers are goaled rather heavily around motivating their employees and reducing attrition. I think people who have a kneejerk reaction of "That's bad!" have a kind of unrealistic view of how many companies operate. Not everyone is immediately expendable, and employee satisfaction and managing career pathing are what separate the good companies from the bad.


Hmm interesting point, I guess I have a different view point because I am in the military so I guess I have always seen it through the military eyes. Most people here are motivated by our drive to serve or other things associated with that. Interesting though, when I get out I will probably have a huge culture shock.

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It's only a bad idea if the work environment at your company is not healthy.


Effective organizations do in fact take responsibility and pride in motivating their staff. Most middle managers are goaled rather heavily around motivating their employees and reducing attrition. I think people who have a kneejerk reaction of "That's bad!" have a kind of unrealistic view of how many companies operate. Not everyone is immediately expendable, and employee satisfaction and managing career pathing are what separate the good companies from the bad.



This is an excellent company and they do pride themselves in employee engagement. I am a leader and not a follower. I would love to stay with this company if it was all possible. I have just come to the point where I can't do this job anymore.

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if redundancies were on the horizon, i don't think you would be on the top of the list to keep your job. if your numbers are steadily going down and you've told your boss you're disillusioned, then i think you could be expendable, regardless of how employee-orientated your company are.

if you don't want the job, stay with this one until you secure another. you can't aford to quit a job in this climate without one to fall back on.

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if redundancies were on the horizon, i don't think you would be on the top of the list to keep your job. if your numbers are steadily going down and you've told your boss you're disillusioned, then i think you could be expendable, regardless of how employee-orientated your company are.

if you don't want the job, stay with this one until you secure another. you can't aford to quit a job in this climate without one to fall back on.


I would not be surprised if they let me go. I have just come to the point where I cannot do this anymore. I have been looking for a new job for months with no luck. I think if theydid let me goit would actually be a good thing as it would finally force me to do something different.

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Maybe you could keep an eye out for other opportunities that might arise within the company. If you explain to your boss you love the company but just don't feel you are reaching you full potential at the moment it he might perhaps know of some that are coming up soon


It's worth a try and might help him to understand.






This is an excellent company and they do pride themselves in employee engagement. I am a leader and not a follower. I would love to stay with this company if it was all possible. I have just come to the point where I can't do this job anymore.
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I would not be surprised if they let me go. I have just come to the point where I cannot do this anymore. I have been looking for a new job for months with no luck. I think if theydid let me goit would actually be a good thing as it would finally force me to do something different.


thats fair enough. i just hope you find something before you get too sick of the job you got already. your work is suffering as it stands and you need to make a positive change.

i hope it all goes well and that you get the kind of job you enjoy.

best of luck to you.

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Maybe you could keep an eye out for other opportunities that might arise within the company. If you explain to your boss you love the company but just don't feel you are reaching you full potential at the moment it he might perhaps know of some that are coming up soon


It's worth a try and might help him to understand.




Yes, I have done this, and told my boss this last night.I have been looking at other internal career opportunities for months now and nothing has peaked my interest.

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Sometimes fate steps in to lend a helping hand.. If you were to loose your job tomorrow, with the mindset you are not happy at the moment, it may be the very thing you need to motivate you to move on to bigger and better things.


Christina x



Yes, I have done this, and told my boss this last night.I have been looking at other internal career opportunities for months now and nothing has peaked my interest.
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For future reference: I would have suggested talking to your boss way earlier rather than to wait till you can't stand your job anymore. Any employer would appreciate if someone came to him and asked him (her) what the possibilities are to get promoted, what you could do to get a more challenging job, to let them know that you feel you could contribute more. An important leadership skill is to put people at a position where they can show their best. But of course this requires an ongoing communication between employer and employee.


How did you boss react when you told him? Are you dependent on him for a good reference in case you want to change your job? If yes, I would do my utmost to deliver a perfect performance in your job in order to show him that despite your lack of motivation you have the discipline to do what is expected of you

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OP, in honesty, bad move.


Your boss may:


- Use this against you, could even treat you unfairly, since s/he thinks you couldn't care less about less about the job.


- As others said, you may be seen as a more dispensable employee, should downsizing be needed.


It is true that honesty is the best policy, in dealings with managers. However, how one makes such comments is key also. Everybody is different, but I would have worded it differently, saying:


" I generally enjoy the company and the work I am doing here, but I find recently I could expand my horizons, whether on this present job, or elsewhere within the firm. Is there any other way I could contribute to this team/department, since I feel there is more I can offer."


This way, your boss sees you are willing to contribute further, and you are of greater value to him/her as a subordinate.

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At a time where people are out of work, gas prices are high as well as everything else, this is not the time to start complaining to management about how you don't feel motivated to do your job anymore. Every company out there right now is looking for ways to save money, and if you say that, they will save money by slicing your job from under you. And guess what, there is someone else out there who would love to take your seat. Because they're about to get thrown out of their house tomorrow because of not having work, and you actually do but just don't want to do your job anymore. I'm just saying, could be a lot worse, maybe you should be more grateful.

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