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I want to get over him already!

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Back in February, I moved to Minnesota for a guy that I thought was the one. I drove from PA to MN, 1200 miles in 20 hours. About a month ago. He broke up with me for another guy. We all three work in the same place. I have a career, they don't. I am living at his mom's house, which is where I moved into. He has practically moved out. He is staying with his new boy. I haven't seen him in two weeks, which was perfectly fine with me. I was on my way to work today drove past my ex and his new boy in the passenger seat. They looked right at me as I drove by. All of a sudden, this ball of emotions started to turn inside. I hate this feeling. I can't leave my job just yet because I need to find a car. What am I supposed to do? Should I start to hate him to get over him, or should I act like it doesn't bother me when it really does. It is almost like he doesn't have any remorse. He is just a monster!!!

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hey - i am sorry for the breakup. that really sucks. you have to focus on YOU. do what you need to do to get out of his mom's house. find another job, move to another city, get your life back together. if he's gay, he's gay. there's not much you can do there. i think if he is human, he should hopefully feel bad for you on some level, but you know, if he's gay, he has to be true to himself. i would get away from him and his bf, and find a new job, preferably in a new city. good luck to you.

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