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I can't sleep through the night if I don't drink at least a glass of wine or two. I have tried valerian root and it will get me through half the night, then I will be wide awake. I am not one to drink a lot and don't want to get into any kind of drinking habit just so I can fall asleep, but I am at my wit's end here.


My fiancee is a heavy sleeper and snores and steals blankets and steals my pillow and never wakes up. We have a dog who snores SO loud it also keeps me up. We are attached to another unit and they stomp around at the weirdest times which also wakes me up. I have tried sleeping with ear plugs and they irritate me in my sleep and I pull them out while I am sleeping, wake up sometime later and have to put them back in then repeat the process until I have to actually physically get out of bed to go to class or work.


I don't know WHAT to do anymore. I wake up practically crying because I didn't get more than 2 hours total of sleep...no matter WHAT time or how seemingly tired I feel.


What can I do?


I am also weary of getting addicted to any kind of drug like a sleeping pill. Also, sadly, those knock me out for like 10-12 hours if I take one so I don't think I could even pull it off anyways.

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Would your fiance be willing to do something about his snoring....maybe those little strips that go on the outside of the nose? Alot of snorers insist that they don't snore, so tape it if you have to so he realizes how loud it is. Maybe he could go to a sleep clinic, because it sounds like he probably isn't having a very restful night either. You could also put the dog in another room to sleep.

White noise machines or a fan can cover up a lot of noise, so that might also be worth a try. I wouldn't be able to sleep through that either...it sounds awful!

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Because I don't drink often. I don't drink TO sleep is the thing. I have just noticed that my best nights ARE when I have drank something.


I drink maybe 3 nights a week...weekends and 2, no more than 3 drinks. Is that a lot?



No one but you can tell you if it's too much. Just pay attention to patterns. If you are wondering if you could have a problem, you may, but I can't really say without knowing you very well.

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I genuinely don't think I have a drinking problem, but I DO see why you would make that assumption from my post, so thank you for your concern/advice. That's why I pointed out that I don't want to drink more or rely on a sleeping aid to sleep all night.


Dogs in another room is kind of an issue since we have a roommate and (if you saw any previous posts, my dog has a bathroom problem that I need to be kind of attentive to) the snoring thing, I have thought he has a problem...my father has a sleeping disorder that I can't remember the name of....he'd stop breathing randomly for 30 sec-1 minute....I don't remember the name, but I think my fiancee has it.


Oy...I need to figure something out soon....lightly sleeping SUCKS!!!!! I am envious of all you heavy sleepers.

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Alcohol is a stimulant, and will most certainly disturb your sleep pattern.


So, BY drinking, my other nights will be bothered? Even if I don't drink as much?


I feel that I am not even buzzed by the time I go to sleep on the rare nights that I do endulge myself....that is why I am coming out confused.

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I have sleeping problems on and off as well....especially when I going through a very anxiety ridden time. (like right now with my recent breakup.)


I know that you said that ear plugs don't work for you....but they have honestly saved my life! You just have to put them in correctly and get ones that fit your ears...I thought that I couldnt use them either because they would always irritate me or fall out or I'd take them out in my sleep but I found some....they are called "Pretty in Pink" they are earplugs for women so they are smaller than normal ear plugs....they sell them at most drug stores. I honestly SWEAR by them. I have recommended them to friends who swore they could never use ear plugs and now they love them! Your ears just have to get used to wearing them and once they do you will love sleeping with them...it makes me feel like im in a little sleep cacoon with no noise. haha


Okay, so after my rave about ear plugs...I hope you will try them!

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greensleeves: thank you! sleep apnea is EXACTLY what I was talking about! thanks! i think my fiancee has it, judging by his snoring patterns.


sweetleaf: thank you so much! i will definitely try those. i think since i have been using my fiancee's earplugs for surfing, maybe that's why i have had no success.

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I genuinely don't think I have a drinking problem, but I DO see why you would make that assumption from my post, so thank you for your concern/advice. That's why I pointed out that I don't want to drink more or rely on a sleeping aid to sleep all night.


Dogs in another room is kind of an issue since we have a roommate and (if you saw any previous posts, my dog has a bathroom problem that I need to be kind of attentive to) the snoring thing, I have thought he has a problem...my father has a sleeping disorder that I can't remember the name of....he'd stop breathing randomly for 30 sec-1 minute....I don't remember the name, but I think my fiancee has it.


Oy...I need to figure something out soon....lightly sleeping SUCKS!!!!! I am envious of all you heavy sleepers.


That's good. Like I said, it's hard to tell from such little info. I understand the dogs. I have a dog that's close to being put down : ( and it's really hard to sleep taking her out all the time.

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greensleeves: thank you! sleep apnea is EXACTLY what I was talking about! thanks! i think my fiancee has it, judging by his snoring patterns.


sweetleaf: thank you so much! i will definitely try those. i think since i have been using my fiancee's earplugs for surfing, maybe that's why i have had no success.


haha yeah. I'm sure they are too big for you!

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Because I don't drink often. I don't drink TO sleep is the thing. I have just noticed that my best nights ARE when I have drank something.


I drink maybe 3 nights a week...weekends and 2, no more than 3 drinks. Is that a lot?


Thought a glass of red wine a day is even healthy.. though maybe even better to take at least a day break a weak so it's better for organs. Well, alcohol is often a good way to camouflate things rather than solving the main cause.

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Thought a glass of red wine a day is even healthy.. though maybe even better to take at least a day break a weak so it's better for organs. Well, alcohol is often a good way to camouflate things rather than solving the main cause.


exactly! i'd rather not become dependent on anything to sleep either, so I am at a crossroads lol

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Actually, I believe alcohol is a depressant and has sedating effects. It is generally not recommended for sleep problems, as it can actually cause more problems. The sedating effect can help you get to sleep. It is addictive and will make getting to sleep on non drinking nights more difficult. And your body will build resistance to the effects over time and you will need to drink more alcohol to get the same effect.


Also, what can happen is after you've been asleep for a few hours, the sedating effect wears off and you are left with the high sugar levels found in most alcohols. That will actually wake you up and keep you awake in the middle of the night.


I would make your BF roll onto his side or on his stomach. If his snoring is really loud, he may have sleep apnea. There are breathing devices that can help with that problem. Try a cheap noise machine. Put the dog on a diet. And maybe try melatonin or one of the "PM" pain relievers that are on the market. Any drug is only a temporary fix, as your body will adjust to it's effects.

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