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On the road to RECOVERY?!? Perhaps...

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Hello all,


It's been a bit since I've posted, and for good reason. I've actually been out enjoying my life! I broke all contact with my ex after the breakup, and it was awful, I did not go a day without thinking about him, and not only that he would keep calling me, and that would only set me back, but I made a vow to myself to leave him alone at all costs, no IM's, no phone calls, NOTHING! Since then, I've lost weight and been swimming regurlarly (I used to be a lifeguard), I'm on my way to med school, and I can actually smile again. I finally stopped dwelling on the fact that my ex and I are over. I realize that you can't MAKE someone love you, and want to be with you so the best thing is to just live your life for YOU. When I allowed myself to be happy, the rest just came. I've gone out, and actually lived like the way a normal 21 year old should. I've hung out with friends and family and healed relationships that were damaged because of my ex. Most importantly, I have learned that if my ex is happy, alone or with someone else, I'm happy for him. Just because he and I didn't work out doesn't mean that either of us separately can't be totally happy.


Don't get me wrong, there are times when I think about my ex, and wonder what he's doing or if he's with someone, or even if he's thinking about me. I know I have to cross his mind sometime maybe even if it's just for a split second, just as he crosses mine. Although we had problems, and weren't very compatable my ex did love me at one time even if it's not now. I love him very much, and I always will since he was my first, but I can honestly say that toward the end there we were not happy together, and I thank him for all the things he taught me. He will always have a special part of me, the part that was once a child and matured into something more.


I've also found happiness in my best friend I've known since high school. We're taking things slow to see where it will lead, and not ruin our friendship He's always been the one who knows just what to say to make everything ok. It's as though somehow fate brought us two together right now, and now I have to see where that goes. He told me to listen to a song, Cocoon by Jack Johnson, I'm attaching the link so you can view the lyrics and listen to a clip, it's a great song, and for those of you out there with a broken heart, remember that there IS someone out there somewhere that will love you just as much as you love them, don't sell yourself short!


Remember that you're not alone, and if you ever need to chat, or ask questions, or anything feel free to PM me or post.


Jack Johnson song:

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Its great to hear you are doing better! It is a long slow process but you are making it and so will we all if we concentrate on fixing ourselves and stop focusing so much attention on the one person in this world that doesn't want to be with us. Its great to hear!! I am glad for you.


Keep up the good work, and definitely take it really slow with your friend!

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Alright TT!! You're doing great! It is good to hear. Thank you for your post. Your healing is almost contagious -could you cough some of your germs over the internet - that's what we all need


Good luck in med school - oh, you'll so open more doors once you start.


Take care.

Kung fu

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*Cough, Cough* especially for you Kungfumaster. I'm glad my post could help some people out there. Believe me, getting over someone is definitely hard, especially when I read all the different posts about breakups, and no contact, and people needing advice. I read posts and updates, and I'm mesmorized at the outcomes sometime. I wish there were enough words I could say to help others in my same situation, but all I say is what I have experienced.


I have my quote at the bottom and it says, "Even a broken heart keeps beating" I heard that once and I never really realized how much that affected so many people. But it is so true. No matter what happens, how sad, or fed up, or lonely we are in a broken up state....our hearts still keep beating, meaning time marches on. I guess I finally woke up and realized that either I could just let time pass me by while I wait for my ex to "realize" all these things I WANTED for him to realize, or I could take it for what it was and start living life for ME.


ANYONE who's going through a breakup, feel free to PM me, because one person is good for getting through, but if you have another person's imput, it really does help!

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Hey TT

Glad to hear you are doing so well & please continue to keep us updated on your progress--it's awesome that you are going to med school, you will meet so many new people there and start a new life for yourself like so many of us are trying to. Our exes are in the past and we need to leave them there and move on with our lives, make new lives that are happy and fulfilling and don't include that guy or girl who couldn't appreciate all we had to offer them. best of luck to you & thanks for the uplifting post!



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I do agree this is a great post. Very uplifting. This site has been very helpfull, especialy in the first few days when I found this site. I even met some great people from here. It's nice to see there is light at the end of the tunnel.


TT, I have to say I liked your quote when I first read it sometime ago and like it even more now.



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