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i Thinks She still Love her bf.....

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She Used to have a crush on me last 7-8 months ago after i told her i have a crush on her... she had a bf that time(a 1 and half year relationship) and she just reject me flat at that time as she wants to be faithful... that time i donno she had bf... Last Month i suddenly talk to her again out of the blue thinking of wooing her as i neber ever tought she has a bf until last month... When we talk, she always says abt her probs with her bf... she noes i like her... i advised her to sort things out with her bf and everything will be OK... the next day after i talk to her we go out alone together and have a nice chat abt her bf and her probs... but i also that time said that although i liked her, i will neber go after her as i am not the type that go after attached girls.... SHe broke off her bf the very next day... then i started to goes out with her almost everyday... she also said she also got some special feelings for me... but just wanna be frens with me as she still recovering from her last failed relationship... We goes out and we hold hands, kissed and have sex when we really found out that we really likes each other.. the day after we had sex i forcefully asked her to my gf(long term 1 not scandals)... she says she needs to love me more to do that... she says that she just needs time to recover.... she said she now had no confidence to start a new relationship... she always says she needs time... one day i said that if she really treating me as a fren, i am also emotionally tired to woo her any further... And she gets so tense and sad that i was making her frustrated as she still recovering and needs to thinks about me also, she also gives me the look that says" Plz Don leave me, understand my plight OK??"... she said that we just be frens for now even though she likes me... she says time will proved everything... she said that if she rush things now, she will hurts me more... what should i do??? just wait???

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A patient goes to the doctor, he tells the doctor it hurts when i do this ( he raises his arm up wiggles it around and holds his nose with the other hand) the Doctor says just stop doing that.


Ok let me see, She goes out with you, she holds hands with you, she kisses you, she has sex with you, she likes you, and whats bugging you is for her to say "oh yes you my B/F" ? dont ruin a good thing by pressuring her, the more you push it the worse it will be, just continue being her friend with "benefits" be caring to her, "woo" her just like you did before, and forget about all this talk of B/f and G/F, some girls say i love you and say they your girl friend at the drop of a dime they really dont mean it, this girl is a little more serious, she has been hurt in the other relationship, and doesnt want to commit to you, unless shes sure about you, and what your doing now, is going to ruin it!


So be the guy she fell for, dont pressure her about being G/F.

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Hi confused-guy,


Gilgamesh is right. I have a feeling this young woman is recovering from her pain with her previous relationship. I am actually glad to see how mature she responds to your friendship. I am sure you don't want this to be a so called rebound relationship and I have a feeling exactly this is what she is trying to avoid. Confused-guy, she is doing everything to make you feel good and reassure you... stick to that. A little patience is what it takes, but from what I see this young lady is VERY serious about you.


I wish you luck and strength to have this patience.


~ SwingFox ~

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