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I have a cat that is almost 2 years old that continues to urinate on my couch. He didn't do this for the first year I had him, but all of a sudden he started peeing on the couch, to the point where this particular couch was beyond cleaning and had to be disposed of.


So, I moved another couch into the same spot, so I can at least watch TV, and he is peeing on it now. He never went near it when it was on the other side of the room, but its something about this spot he just can't get enough of.


I have tried smell deterrent, I've even tried spanking him, and he just goes right back and does it again, sometimes 3 times a day. I love my cat, and I can't think of getting rid of him for something like this. He always seems happy and playful, and when he isnt in trouble for peeing on the couch, he is always purring and being affectionate...What should I do?

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There are some really good products for this. Go to you local pet store. There are products that will make your cat not want to pee there. If they don't work, at the very least there is a really good de-scenter so you won't have to live with the smell.

They also have a new kitty litter that is supposed to help with this issue. I haven't tried it so I don't know.

My old cat had some issues, my vet put her on kitty prozac for a while and that cleared it right up. I took her off of the meds, and she was fine after that.


Good luck!

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Move the couch. My cat was doing the same thing (except, replace closet -and SHOES- for couch) and the only thing that worked was for me to move ALL of my shoes and block off the floor area so she couldn't pee on it. She never peed anywhere else, just that damn closet.


When there was no couch on that spot, did he pee on the floor?


I found Simple Solutions liquid to be the most effective at removing cat urine. It really helped take that pungent odor out.


Another thing you could try if you absolutely must keep the couch where it's at is putting something down on it that the cat would HATE touching. Cats are very picky about that.. Plastic, tin foil, something like that would irritate him.

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Does he regularly use a litter box and if so do you keep it very clean for him? Some cats can be very finicky about that sort of thing.


Have you recently gone away for a bit as well? Another thing they tend to dislike is being abandoned, and sometimes that can start up the "I'm going to pee where you don't want me to!" cycle. One of the cats I live with pees on our futon when this happens.


My male cat is fortunately extremely good about using his litter box only, however the ONLY time he ever peed outside of it on a couple occasions, it turned out he was experiencing a bladder infection. If it has been happening for some time and always in the same spot, I'd tend to think it is more a behavioral thing than a physical problem, but it never hurts to consult your vet, especially with male cats who are prone to such infections (and they can be dangerous to them).


Otherwise, I'm with the above posters on the deterrent solutions and enzyme cleaners. Good luck!


Edit: P.S. spanking or negative reinforcement from your hand rarely works with a cat because they will just associate it with you rather than with the action. You can try loud starling noises to keep them off of places, or squirting with water if they hate that though.... it sometimes works.

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