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18, unplanned, pregnant

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Hi, my name is Kameron, im 18, n pregnant with twins. Me n my boyfriend had protected sex n im on the pill so i dont kno how this happened! im so scared that im not goin to be able to raise these children the way they desrve. my mom had me when she was 18 but she n my father planned it n i didnt. i dont kno what to do!


on the bright side... ... i found out that im having identical twin girls! i always wanted girls. i have piked out names too...Elizabeth Brooke and Delilah Rose...even though im scared im kind of excited too. i dont want to give these babies up i just wouldnt be able to.

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Wow twins.......I hope everything is going ok considering the situation. I suggest you get an adult involved as soon as possible. You have some serious challenges ahead of you. And I wish you well. Look at all of the options before you make up your mind.





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Im assuming from your tone that you are intending to keep the children, even though unexpected, however, this is an issue you should raise with your family, dont allow it to become a problem or something you feel the need to hide only this will be the main thing you loose later, trust.


This was due to something unexpected even on the pill, you can discuss this and how you and your partner feel about the issue. Oh and either you have your age wrong on your name or i dont understand how old you are, are you 14 or 18?


This will work out, and we around here will try and help. Kuhl has made some important points!



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Tony (my boyfriend) are still together. my bio. n adop.parents also kno im pregnant but they dont kno that itz twinz. my sis is 1 of my best friendz. i can trust her with everything we are very close. she has been helpin me with everything includin money which was her idea.


Tony is like part of our family already. My adop. parents wernt mad at him or me. On the otha had my bio. parents were so pissed it wasnt funny! they have bad anger managment problems so it was kind of expected.


I feel like im takin attention away form the rest of the family. I have 5 otha sisters excludin 1 of da 14 year old ones. 2 of them are startin all these things that are important and my babycousin who lives with us is havin her first birthday in a few weeks.


I dunno i jus feel bad about takin away attention and stuff.

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i wish you the best luck for your future god knows its gonna be hard for you. but theres something people are over looking!! how the hell can you force a name like Delilah Rose on a poor defenceless child??? what can of name is that??it'll have the piss taken out of it constantly. think sensibly bout the consequences of your actions! uve all ready made one mistake dont make another

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Delilah Rose was my grandmother's name and she was the ONLY person in my family otha then my sis who i ever got along with. she died when i was 5. I lived with her for 2 years before i got adopted but that was after she died. we were really close and i miss her so i thought i would name my child after her. oo n itz Hebrew

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I wish you the best of luck. It will be hard on you, but it will all be worth it in the end. You are going to have 2 beautiful girls. Just make sure you have your families support, which I can see you kind of do, just in case you need help. By the way, I think the names you have picked out are beautiful. Anyone who would make fun of someone & doesn't like them for their name is not a nice person & very shallow. Names say nothing about who a person is, so it should not matter to anyone else.

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