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I Need Help...I'm Being Threatened.

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please help, sorry its long, the point is stated at bottom though!

Hi guys.

I have an issue. one that i've neverhad before, andi'm scared. Any help or conoslance would be comforting.

I'm lonely a lot. i know it, i accept it. i do have a few friends, but its not like they call me or anything... they're just some oneto talk to.....


So during lunch today, i was sityting where i always sit, with my "friends" kim, sarah, and katie e. then this absolutely aweful 24/7 girl walks up and demandsthat i give up my seat to her and her friend. i said no. i always sit there and besides, there was an empty chair right next to me.

well, she wasn't happy about that, so she got realmad and continually demanded my removal from my chair. i still said no. then she got soo mad. she told me to get up, she was gonna beat the &*#@ out of me. i still said no. she continued but i ignored her.

so she grabbed the chair next to me and dragged it to the opposite side of the table, right in front of me. then she spent the whole lunch yelling trash at me and plotting when and where she was gonna beat me.

first she planned that she wasgoing to beat me the moment i got up but then decided to "beat" me after school so none of the teachers would know.

i got soo scared!!! i waited to get up from my seat until she left the cafeand then made a dash to the guidance office. i couldnt find my counselor so i found the sophmore counselor... she tool me to the director of student so and so... i toldher everythingand she copied down names etc.....

then i went to gym. since i was late i was in the locker room alone... i admit i cried. i cried soo hard. then headed out to the track...... ..... ...

during gym ppl weretelling me i was soo "screwed". they were saying "omg!" and sarah said "your in deep %&*#. you dont F&*# with jen. cos she'll F* wiht you." this only made me more terrified.

when i got to my next class, the school phyciatrist was there, waiting for me. she wanted to talk to me about what had happened. so i talked toher for a while and then headedto my locker afetr dismissal.

Jen was soo mad. she had heard that i had snitched her, and she was so angry about it. i knew she wouldnt pull anythingnow, but that didnt stop herfrom glaring at me and following me around while i was waiting for my ride.

just when i wasleaving she started to chase me, saying hey! im notdone with you yet! come back here! and on and on with more threats.

im so afraid, i dont know whatsgoing to happen, but i do know this:

theres a strong girl pissed at me.

i have no friends to defend me.

and im weak.

please help me

im soooooo scared.

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Hey gurl,


Dont panic...dont fret...this girl is a bully...U handled it wisely by complaining about her threats...what did the school authorities do about it.???omorrow make sure u tell em that she has been chasin u around and told u that she was not done with u yet...


When ppl start gettin subdued by her threats, she feels superior...dont give her the oppurtunity to treat u like that...tell her calmly that she shud mind her own business and stop chasin u around...


Make sure the school does some disciplinary action about it...and yes, do talk about it to family...they will take steps to make sure u r safe...and she stops bullyin u around...


And dont be scared and cry...cmmon..there's a possibility that she is feelin inferior..thats y she's bossin around to make her feel better...


Now cheer up with a smile


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Well I've been in the situation a few times before, not because I'm cocky or anything but because I don't lay down to people. Exactly like you did. I wouldn't worry to much about this girl, she'll probably think about everything that went on that day and realize that what she did was stupid. However she might still make threats, the best way to deal with these is to simply ignore her. If she wants to "fight" you (she probably wouldn't even throw a punch because she's just as scared of fighting as you) just simply say no, I'm not going to fight you. Since you talked to the support staff at your school I'm going to assume that they will get involved, this means that she wont do anything. They should explain to her that if she hits you or continues to harass you like this you can press charges against her. If she continues with this behavior perhaps getting her and your parents involved should set her straight. Lots of times the parents don't know who their child is at school and as soon as the child is confronted by their parents they break down and stop what ever it is that they're doing.


It'll all blow over soon, so try not to focus on it to much. Remember she's just being a teenage girl and trying to scare people to gain respect and power. You'll do fine!

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Yeah basically what everyone else said.


Make sure the school does something! If the threats get REALLY severe, call the police.


Do not let this girl run you. Do not allow yourself to be pushed around. Ignore her. Bullies look funny with no-one to bully.


Best of luck.

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Hi Katie,


Talk back to her. Don't let her talk down on you like that. Slap it back in her face. The next time she says, "Come here, I want to talk to you," tell her, "Why should I? What's your problem? I do NOT need to be compliant to you! YOu're the one who's being vulgar!"


I sense that this girl's seriously insecure about herself. I've had one inicdent like that while in Jr. High. The girl kept on making snide remarks (among others), staring me down, etc. since I was the 'new girl' on campus. I didn't do much, until one day, I glared back, and showed her what she's not! I know, it's probably not the best advice, but I slapped her comments back in her face. Then she shut up, and decided to 'be friends.' When a person puts you down like that, it's their own inferiority that they feel within themselves. It's their method to find that 'control' and supposed 'confidence' over you. It's not you who's weak. It's them!


Remember that Katie, you're not the one who's weak, she is. Otherwise, why would a person want to start up fights for? What's their point? They're taking out their own frustrations on you, by making you the 'easy' target. Which in fact you're not. If she pestors you any further, tell her "Look, I"m not wasting My time on you, if You CANNOT speak to me maturely! If you have a problem, then go figure it out on your own!" After you say this, walk away.


If she feels like she can push you around, then she will keep on doing it. After Iconfronted that girl, she acted 'scared' about it. I saw it in her eyes, and tone of voice. It was funny how she went into this 'denial' mode. At that point in time, I realize, this girl thinks she's tough. But deep down inside, she tried to provoke ignorance on me, so that she can get away with it. So, bullies are truly bullies because they cannot find it in themselves to be 'confident.' Deep down inside, I think that they're big 'scaredy cats.'


About your friends not backing you up, don't worry about it. Perhaps they're not your friends after all. Besides growing up your age is confusing. Most of the times, you will run into friends who are "crowd pleasers," and can't truly stick up for what they believe in. I do not admire that at all. If that's the case, then don't worry about it. I see it as either weakness, or trying to mind their own business. If they can't stick up for you, then they're not your friends honey. True friends will always stick up for each other no matter what. It doesn't mean that they have to be crude or vulgar about it. If they're your true friends, then they'd express their emotions like this, "Hey, I don't understand what's your problem with Katie. Why do you have beef with her? She's a cool girl...." If I were your friend in school, I'd be diplomatic about it.


Besides, if this girls got issues like this, then she needs to join an 'anger management' program. So Katie, just know that you are not weak, she is. You are going to be okay. Communicate this with your friends. Let them know how it's bothering you. If they don't support you, then you will know who's your true friend, and who isn't. That's why I dislike hanging around catty girls. They always have to have 'competition.' If that's they're mindset, then Katie, you do not want to waste your time around those chicas! Take it with a grain of salt. It's like panning for gold. Your true friends will be by your side, no matter what. That's what friendships are all about. Weed out the bad ones. The good ones are who you should keep. They are the ones who stick up for you during your hard times.


Take Care,



P.S.- Smile okay? She's really the one that you should laugh at. That kind of behavior is rather 'savage' like. That's what I tell myself in the back of my mind, when I run into people who act and talk the way that she does. Come on. We're living in the year 2004. Let's not be primitive here. So, Katie, you're the refined woman here. She isn't. What helped me to kinda take my frustrations out about that girl who tried bullying me, was to draw funny pictures of her. I'm serious! Draw funny pictures of her. I remember going into the computer labs, and pasting clip-art images of her. I drew a picture of her, 'bloating' into her ignorance. The more she frowned, the more she bloated. It was a crack-up. I still have the pictures that I drew of that chick. You can find other alternatives as an 'outlet' such as running, taking walking it out. Hike around an area, in which is your favorite scenery. It's meditative. Once you find that 'inner-peace' inside of you, you will realize that her behavior is 'weak,' and you don't need that.


By finding other ways as an 'outlet' to your frustrations, you're not acting out, but just looking deeper inside of you, and taking situations like these lightly. Now that I reflect back on that 'wannabe' bully, I think, it was so rediculous. I just laugh. You will be okay. I hope that you will feel better. These are just the trying times, in which you're testing yourself to see who you really are. Hang in there!

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hey guys,

dont get me wrong or anything, i have been standing up for myself and talking back to her. thats what gave more fuel the the fire she was starting. she was soo upset.

the school has been informed, and my parents have been following up with their course of action. i went to talk to the "school 'phyciatrist'"... im not sure what her position is so thats my guess. i feel a lot better, but now everyone seemsto hate me.

people have been throwing things at me in class, someone stole and tormented me with my ipod. i saved up for 5 months to get it and they almost broke it! that girl is still talking trash to me, and everyone thinks im a wuss for what i did.

i know the worst is over, but i still feel aweful.

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Whoa!! Somethin is seriously wrong with ur classmates, if they act weird coz u respect yourself...


Be cool, do ur job....stay focused....and they will realize their stupidity...also keep ur stuff safe...


They will soon get bored of being mean to u...seems to me that school kids r are as mean as it can get!!!


Well, good luck and find friends that r more down to earth and positive!



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Today was a good day. it was an A-day. it would of had to put up with this girl during lunch, but the greatest thing happened, about a 1/2 hour b4 lunch the electricity went out at school. it was soo cool. we got to go home. i was really releived, but a lttle upset because i was pumped.

i wasnt going to fight her or anything, but i was ready to ignore/tell her off. i wasnt going to let her bother me today.

but since the power went out, i got to hang out with 2 of my few friends, joke around and stuff.... i actually enjoyed the day.

i wanna say thanks to you guys for your advice. it helped a lot.



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ok look i think it is obvious these ppl are doing this because you told on her and r having your parents fight your battles for you.the same exact thing happened to me I had a friend tell my adviseis if she gets in your face bitch her out but dont fight her make sure the school follows up im sorry about what they did to your ipod.


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Your bully's #1 mistake is thinking the situation will go away after you get beat. She thinks that settles it. She can make your life hell now under the pretext of beating the crap outta you unless you do what she says. What's she gonna do when she's beat you? That's the key. Tell her to just shut her mouth and beat you up, and afterwards, it's your turn to make her life hell and you won't quit. She'll be looking at police, social services, suspension, and possible fines. Do that and it'll end. You might have to take a beating once, but it's better than being bullied everyday. You just gotta not care about that part and call her bluff. If her beating means nothing to you, then you're the only one that has something to gain from the situation -- i.e. controlling the aftermath.


By the way, I was a heavyweight boxer, training 5 days a week through junior high and high school, and has trained and competed in "Chinese kickboxing" (incorporates wrestling in our system) for the last decade. I'd follow my own advise above. That's because if I'd beat somebody up after a long ordeal during which the tensions/hate has had time to grow, it'd most likely escalate the situation, resulting in them going home to get weapons.


If you get into a fight, bite down hard and just cover your face with the forearms. It'll be over pretty quickly if it happens.

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Hey guys,

thanx for the advice again. it helps a lot, but im still uneasy with the whole situation. last year i got beat up real bad... and even though i told my parents, it was as if they didnt hear a word i said. and that's not even the bad part. the worst part is that the whole beating i took, the whole time my "best and literally only" friend stood there and watched. she didnt do anything at all.

i know that if i get beat rhen no one will be there to help me like last time. and ill be left to defend myself. im also afraid that her friends that sometimes masquerade as mine will join her in the fight.

i was talking to them and one said:

"look we dont care about your ass, we care about her's. so dont expect any help from us."

thanks again for the advice, ttyl guys.


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I learned the hard way that "friends" don't got your back when a fight breaks out. You're on your own.


I think by asking others for help, you're showing her that you do care. I think what'd freak her out is you not caring about the beating but just looking forward to tormenting her afterwards. I mean, what's she gonna do, beat you every day? Eventually you'd take up self-defense classes or something and eventually it would end.


I gotta ask, where are you from where girls beat up girls? And how come you get beat up, since you mentioned it happening last year? That is if there are any answers, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's just a shitty school and same with people. What's the physical height and weight difference between you two? I'm ready to start serving fighting tips and tricks unless there's anything else that'd help you out of the situation.

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you'll want to read this!

Hey guys,

today was the breaching of the breaking point.... ... or pretty close to it.

but before i get to that story, i'll fill you in with the details you've requested for.

im just a freshman in high school, so the girl who beat on me last year is no longer involved in my life. the current pain in the butt is also a frshman, shes a skinny little toothepick, but has been involved in many bloody cat fights. the beating i took last year was at my "best and only" friends house... so the school wasnt capable of doing anything about it. in this scenario, her threats and close encounters happen at school, i wait for my ride for like a 1/2 hour after school, so i wait with some other kids in one of the class rooms.

so anyway.. its some waht of a long story so ill tell it like a dialogue... k=me, j=her. k?

i walked into the classroom after with my stuff and set it down. and she walked past me

j- high waters! high waters!

k- ....... get over yourself. who gives a *@ if i have high waters? i dont care no one cares. so get over yourself and back off my case.

she ran up to me and stuck her face up to mine

j- how dare you talk back to me! you dont swear at me, you do not raise your voice to me!

then i whispered

k- whos the one thats raising they're voice jen?

j- im allowed to raise my voice, you are not! so dont act like you can be like me, because you can not!

k- you are not superior to me. you need to get a grip andd shut your face for once, just once!

j- excuse me, i am superior to you, i thought we covered this.\

k- your sadly mistaken. get over your self.

then she got so pissed. she turned bright red and the turned around and pranced to the other side of the romm sayin

j- i need to vent! talk to me people!

i sat down to tie my shoes and in the mean time her friend megan (m) walked in and started talking to jen.

j- she talked back to me. she b*&%#d me.

m- you didnt! your in deep *@ now!

k- i dont know what i did. i didnt do anything.

that set her off again. she got soo mad. she ran over to where i was sitting and leaned over me saying

j- if you dont shut your face ill punch it.

k- you think im afraid of you. you wrong, im not afraid of you.

m- id shut your face if i were you. shell beat on you soo bad!

k- she'll try, she wont

j- you want to bet?

k- im not afraid of you. so back off. and shut up.

j- if your not afraid then why did you got to mrs. ledger?? your terrified.

k- i know this is hard for you to comprehend, but just hear me out and bear with me... there were 2 possible scenarios... either way you'd get in trouble, the only difference is that you'd be in a world of pain in one of them.

j- oh you b*%! your asking for it! im going to beat you so bad you wont be able to talk at all!

k- you can try. you wont hurt me.

then ppl started to gather around uswhispering to each other "they're gonna fight!" and "oh you're gonna get the *$ kicked out of you"

so i turned and walked away. she followed me, and naturally, so did everyone else, hoping they'd get to see a fight....

j- if your not afraid of me than face me!

then she grabbed me and turned me around shouting at me to take my best shot.

k- im not afraid of you. you're all talk and you know it, i know it too. you can try, but you will fail. im nto going to fight you, i dont want to hurt you.

then one of the math teachers ran over and pulled her away telling her to knock it off.

i went to check and see if my ride was there, and it was so i went to get my stuff.

when i got to the classroom, and grabbed my stuff...

m- where are you going? running away now?

k- no my ride is here.

m- i bet it is.

k- ill take that bet. if you dont believe me, than fine. you can, if you want, get up off your #$% and follow me. you can wtch me go get into a car.

when i went to go walk out the door, jen was there, 3 girls were grabbing on to her, holding her back. she was strangling to get free from their grasp... she looked like a cat trying to avoid getting dunked in water...

she got free and started to follow me. she was reaaaaaaaal pissed. she waas ready to fight.

i was heading towards my ride and to sahke her (which was sucessful ) waved. she bolted back inside... lol*

so i was safe.... i learned that she ios suspended for 2moro, bc she skipped detention today....

i told my dad about it and he immediately went in to talk to sum1... idk who... i didnt want him to, but he insisted.

so thats what happened today. i wont have to wrry about her tomoro, so im .

any advise on what i didnt wrong or should have done or should do will be helpful!



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Haha, that's good progress. It's hard for people to swallow getting talked back to. In high-school, somebody said something to me in the cafeteria-line. I like dropped something and he made a smart-ass remark. I got in his face and said "STFU!" and waited for his response. When he didn't have one, people just thought he was ridiculous. I think he figured he could tell me off because I wasn't wearing brand-name clothing or something then. Point of that is people talk down to people because nobody talks back to them. They're used to it and used to getting away with it. It's their way of boosting their self-esteem. You talked back, and you gotta keep doing that. And you know, about that girl, it's easy for her to wanna fight when you're already halfway in the car and people are holding her back. It's easy to act all tough like that when she knows she'll never have to put her money where her mouth is. Sounds like she's pickin on you because you're her opposite; i.e. you're doing good in school while she's got detention and so on, and you probably got a better situation at home than she does. So right there is where I'd guess her problem is. She's trying to make herself feel better by imagining you're inferior, and I do say imagining, but it's simply not true, and she's starting to see it. If you get the chance, you might wanna get her to pay attention to why she's picking on you, because she keeps on doing that in life, she'll end up pregnant and abused in a trailorpark somewhere right after high-school.

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I never understood the concept of people picking on others either! Even though I'm pretty reserved in person, if I see that someone's bashed, or picked on unecessarily, I will jump in, and put my words into it. I usually don't like to be confrontational, but sometimes, it's necessary! Especially when your boundaries are being pushed. That also means your beliefs as well. This one guy started dissing on rappers this one time. He kept on harping on how bad they are. How devious they are. How much problems they cause in society. Although I'm not into rap music, I respect that it's some people's preference of music (no harm), and don't agree with the 'lyrics' like degrading people. So I stuck up for rap artitists, because the comment that the guy made, started sounding really racial. Besides, we were in class, and his loudmouth should've been considerate as to others 'trying to focus' on their studies. I do not tolerate with bigotry, hate, or anything violent of that matter. So I usually will step up to the plate with people who choose to 'devalue' or 'degrade' others, even if it makes me feel uncomfortable, and out of my nature.


If I were your friend in reality Katie, I'd go up to that chica, and be like, "Girl. What's your problem" No! J/K! I'd first of all, tell you that you are doing the best thing by just being you! Excellent job! Then, I'd tell that girl, Katie's not doing any harm, so what's the deal here? She's not doing anything wrong!


I think that Sebaot's right. She's probably doing this to you because you're different. Perhaps, she's envious? I don't know. I don't understand the concept of others 'bullying' as well. I think that some people are just born to be mean. It's like they always have to have the last word for everything, and nothing ever satisfies them. And, if you're happy, someone always has to come along and try to 'shoot your mood' down, by making themselves feel better. Feel pitty for her. If shes' so focused on making your life miserable:

1. Tell her what you stand for.

2. Don't argue back.

3. Let it be. If she wants to argue, then let her. At that point, don't fight back. It's not worth it.

4. Carry on with your life. Enjoy better things in life.


People like her exist all of the time. The best thing for you to do, is to be you, and do the best that you can. Live out your own personal convictions. Meaning, don't let others change you. Don't let them change your heart, or your values. It takes a lot for me to get angry. I usually build up a trash can of emotions, and will explode when people cross the line one too many times. I am glad that you're sticking up for yourself!


Take Care,


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hey guys,

your all soo right with your assumptions.

today mrs ledger brought me out of class to talk. i told her what happened and she told me what was going to happen.

until they decide what to do, jen is suspended for the rest of the week. (yay!) some time next week me jen and the school "phyciatrst"... (i still dont know what exactly her title is...) are going to be stuck in a room together to sort everything out. i dont know why and im not to crazy about it bc thats what happened w/ me and that other girl last year and it didnt work out... but any way, mrs ledger also told me that if jen does not drop it and move on then she will be expelled.

so thats pretty much it for today. im gonna be ok for the rest of the week, not that i wouldnt have been, but hey, better safe than sorry.

ill ttyal. byez.

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hey guys,

i am fighting back, but not with my fists, with my mouth. its the smarter thing to do. if i hit back than i would become the bully. i would be at the same level as her, and i dont want to sink that low.

have you ever been bullied? i have, a lot. i said that b4.

i dont want to be that person that they look up at while crumpled on the floor. the taste of blood in their mouth, a hideous and terrifying glare coming down from the cause of all that pain. i dont want to be that face, that pain. i know how it feels and even as bad and aweful as jen is, even she doesnt deserve that. no one does.

ttyal. byez.

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Forget about the psychologist/psychiatrist/counselor. I think it looks like you're solving this well on your own, so don't pay much attention to that counselor, I think. The reason I say that is because they've got a different perspective on things and anybody can put up a front in there that things are fine and get written off. Psychologically it's important that you don't come out of there as the one whose cool because then she'll in her mind think things are back to normal and she can keep on bullying. I'd probably say something like "listen, I don't give a *beep* what you say in here because it changes nothing. And tell me why I should be here? She's the one with a problem. I'm not the one looking to be expelled." And sure, they'd write you down an uncooperative, but let me tell you, uncooperative is exactly what those school administrators have been, it sounds like, so what's the big deal, right. Let them sort out their own *beep* ... they schooled Jen, let them deal with her. Let her sit there and try explain why she goes after you. No need for you to be in there. As you found out the hard with the last counselor, some things you just gotta sort out yourself. When you go to a meeting like that and step out passive, the bully sees an perfect opportunity to mess with you.


Let me correct one thing, you can hit back if the situation calls for it. There's no point in taking a beating. You're showing her up now using wits and intelligence. Keep it up. But know that if you'd ever be forced to hit back, it's alright. You don't become her by bullying the bully. You're not doing it to break her down. You're doing it to prevent yourself from getting hurt. I've gotten numerous injuries by waiting for someone to throw the first punch even though I knew it was going to happen. I was a real saint, I guess, and nobody ever thanked me for it. So please, do not hesitate and hit if you need to. That's better than you injuring an eye or an ear-drum or front-teeth or whatever. Things break so easily. Just elbow or punch her straight on the nose if the situation occurs. Or trip her down on the ground and keep her down. I think you can really talk this situation into taking a twist, though, so it's probably not necessary to fight. It sounds that way.

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Hey guys,

Thanks for your advice,its not only beenhelpful but reassuring too.

Today jen returned from her 3 day suspension... (oh no!) lol, actually, nah, i couldnt even care about whethershe was in school or not.. im not afraid of her anymore.

She stopped by during lunch and i got some insight about her perspective and her ways. she talked and tallked, acting like i wasnt there. i didnt have a problem with that, but she kept glaring atme between sentences...

so anyway, the topic of talking back to your parents came up (and just for the record, i wasnt involved in this conversation at all, i just listened...)

megan said that when she talks back to her parents or bugs them about something she wants, she gets sent to her room. but the jen said, if i dont get what i want i just throw a fit. i always get what i want.

i mean, really, she's either stupid or a big antagonist cos shestill wont drop this whole thing. the funny part is that it all started over a lousy chair in lunch...

so any way.. after school she wasnt in sight, im glad for that. i dont think she'll drop it , but i do think that she'll steer clear for a little while...

thanks again, ttyal. byez!

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Hey guys,

Yeah exactly. she gota splash of water in her face for sure.

I was wrong though, she isnt going to "steer clear" for a while.Today she approached me and said

j- were you suspended?

k- no, i was sick on tuesday and wednesday. but im feeling a lot better.

j- oh really.

k- yup. why would i be expelled?

j- because of all the s*&% you said to me.

k- i didnt do anything wrong, jen. i wasnt the one talking all the "s*&$"

j- then what the hell do you call it?

k- (i started to walk away) self defense i guess?

j- no it wasnt. because inorder for it to be self defense your the person that speaks second. you were the one that started it.

k- i didnt start anything. i usually do the smarter thing. good-bye jen.

she was furious, but i walked away before she could do anything about it. she still wants to beat on me, when i was walking through the halls she was talking to her friend and yelled what she had been saying when she saw me walk by. "I wanted to punch her face in!"

thanks for responding, its niceto know that not only are there people that will talk, but that there are people that will talk that actually care

ttyal. byez.

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Hi Katie,


Dear Katie, I am so GLAD that you did that! Now, walk away. You did the right thing. In general, let the bully do all of the ranting and raving that he or she wants. I'm saying, once you've had your last words, leave. If they want to sit there and sulk and whine about it, then let them.


"Oh, I wanted to punch her!" Oh wow. What a Big Baby! Can't handle the truth? Hahahah. LoL! What a crack up! She sure as darn well, does know how to make herself look like a 'loony.' This is what I say, "Once you handle the problem, let it be. Most bullies will sit there, and STILL try to manipulate you, by making 'snide' remarks, or trying to 'catch' your attention, by playing these little IMMATURE games."


Really. That's the truth. It's because bullies want control. When they can't have it, they find other alternative means. So Katie, next time she tries to get up all in your face, say:

"Look! Talk to the hand, because I AM NOT wasting my time! I tried being diplomatic with you, but that wasn't enough. At least I tried. I'm over it! Deal with it yourself, because it's NOT of my concern anymore!"


Shrug it off, and be like, "Hey, least I tried. I tried being mature in our conversation, but she couldn't handle it." Now she can sit their and whine. That's funny how she has NOTHING else better to do with her life, except to sit around, and try to jump on your back whenever she has the chance. People like that, just have poor-'low' self-esteem. If it's meant that you give her, a taste of her own medicine, then I say, "All right Katie! You Go Girl. Let that fool go." She just wants to use you as her scapegoat, for attention, and drama. Is she a wannabe miss popular?


I like what's mentioned before, "Sooner or later, she'll be the trailor trash." What the heck, she sure knows how to pull on a "Jerry Springer Episode." Funny. Invision that in your mind, so that you can laugh at her, because that's how she comes accross to me. Just let her be afterwards. Let her fume off on 'trash talk'. Then enjoy yourself. Sit there and laugh at her. Ask yourself, "She's trying to put on a show again?" Smile, and know that you tried settling the dispute out nicely, but she didn't. Then be like, "Aaaah...I don't care! She can do whatever she wants with herself....talk trash, whatever. Just proves to me that she really doesn't have a life, and lacks self-confidence." LoL!


Her being cocky, just proves to me, how I view cockyness: It's a good way to cover up for weakness. That's why I admire humble people like the Dalai Lama. What he says is so true: "Compassion is not a sign of weakness, but is a sign of strength." Bullies are just the oppossite. It's so easy to sit there and trash talk, but to settle out disputes nicely, that's just a sign of strength. In which you have, and she doesn't. She lacks personal integrity.


This chick is so immature Katie. It's not even funny. She's still trying to pick on you? She's so petty. Wow. Just feel sorry for her. Katie, smile and say, "I'm over it", because you are. You are a strong lady Katie. There's so much in life. So much more to enjoy, more than some menial and pathetic arguments. You have much more things that are promising for yourself. Enjoy the good things in life Katie. I know you will. This whole 'ordeal' is just a learning process. At least you know what traits you should, and shuold not pick up. I see that you're maturing quite a bit from this situation. Carry it with you. This 'ecnounter' will only help you to grow stronger, as a young-adult, so that you can more selective with things and people, who are or aren't, worth your time. You Go Gurl!


High 5 =; To Ya!


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Nah, i dont feel thats somethin for me to do. its just not "me". im not sayin im a wuss or anything, i just consider myself as the smarter person. i saw how lies and threats only made things worse, last year they all collapsed from under that other horrible girl. i saw it all happen and it made me realize that its never a way out of the mess, its a way in.


i think im going to be fine with this issue with jen, its almost been three weeks, and if she hasnt gotten over it then, oh well. ive dealt with petty remarks and put downs before, maybe not as well, but enough to be "experienced".


Besides, i dont want to threaten he back. then she have somethin on me, and if any teacher heard, then id loose the credibility i got whne i walked away from her. i also feel etter walking away, its relieving, not tense like when shes up in my face.


thanks for the advice anyway

ttyal. byez.

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