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this guy who i went out with dumped me 2 months ago and at the time when he broke it off he said he was going to be there for me but i still text him but he never replys back and hes best friends with one of my mates and she texts him and he replys i dont understand it. im doing nothing wrong texting him its not like im chasing him cause im not im just doing what he said being friends he even told my mate that we are mates but hes not even talking to me . is it cause he went out with me and he doesnt trust himself or trust me? his problem?

please help

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it all seems very confusing to me,he seems to be backing off a little..but why? he might of said he would be there for you to make you feel better..like lads do when you split up,they tend to say they will remain your friend but usually they just can't! maybe he's tellin your friend your 'mates' because he wants to avoid being made to look a bastard? thats what it seems like to me,you could ask your friend to ask him why he's not been there for you? hope iv helped you see it more clearly

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maybe he is reluctant to rekindle anything that was there and in this time hes trying to develop a few more relationships, maybe you were someone who supported him and was a main part of his social life, but he doesnt want to feel dependant upon you any more. it may even be that you are suffocating him when he wants space and doesnt truly feel like talking yet, he might be uncomfortable. there are several reasons, but with texting there is never a deffinite responce anyhow!



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He doesn't feel the same way for u as the him 2 months ago

Sometimes when a guy likes a girl, they'll really care and do anything for her... but when he no longer have any feelings for her, he doesn't have anymore purpose and thereforeeee, no motivation to contact you anymore. he's not lying nor making him appear good by saying that he'll be there for you... He simpily doesn't feel motivated anymore... there might be other deeper reasons why he felt repelled, heck i want to know the deeper reason... but that's the surface of what's going on


neva_black_n_white is right when she said "he might be uncomfortable" especially when he doesn't feel right not replying you.... it's a vicious cycle a person goes through when they don't contact someone because they dont' feel like it... at the same time, they don't feel good about themselves not contacting you. You are at a loss of friendship either way. I don't know the value of this friendship u have with him. He'll probably reply you, but trust me that he won't be a friend you should count on.

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