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Vaginal ph imbalance/infection?

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For a few months now I've been having a green/yellow and itchy discharge from my vagina. I'm not and have never been sexually active in any way, so it's not an STD. This may seem silly but I think I got it from using a tampon that was unclean. I usually just use pads but decided to try using a tampon, but haven't used them since because I found them uncomfortable. A few days after using it came the abnormal discharge.


I have seen several different doctors in-between periods and have been tested THREE times for either an STD or infection and they all came back negative. This was really frustrating because I know I have some kind of infection down there but on my last visit the doctor tried to tell me that perhaps it is my "normal discharge". Since when is itchy green/yellow discharge normal? I have had discharge since I first got my periods when I was a teenager - I KNOW what is normal healthy discharge and what isn't. My doctor was getting a bit annoyed with me because I really wanted to be sent to a gynaecologist, but because the results came back negative, there is no reason for her to refer me.


At my last appointment with my GP she prescribed me lactobacillus acidophilus 12.5 billion capsules to be taken orally to address a possible ph imbalance that is causing the discharge perhaps. I haven't bought them yet partly to due with money, and also because I don't have high hopes that it will work.


Has anyone else had an infection that was not an STD? How do I address a possible ph balance that could be causing the infection? Why did nothing come up on the tests?


Please help. This is very frustrating for me.

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Thanks for the quick response, Ivory_Tower.


How much yoghurt per day do you think I should be eating? In what way do you mean this is normal?


I've heard that putting plain yogurt on a cotton bud (Q-tip) and inserting it into the vagina will help with thrush, and I even got tested for thrush, if I remember, but the test came back negative and the symptoms do not match for thrush. But I will try to eat a lot of yogurt. It couldn't hurt.

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I'm prone to ph imbalances as well. It's annoying as hell.


Eating yoghurt seems to ease it off a bit. If your GP has offered a medication then it can't hurt to give it a try - you might end up kicking yourself that you didn't try it sooner


It won't have come up on the tests because a natural imbalance, which might be caused by your diet or what you wash with and so on, is not an infection so wouldn't come up the same way something like thrush would.

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Thanks for the quick response, Ivory_Tower.


How much yoghurt per day do you think I should be eating? In what way do you mean this is normal?


I've heard that putting plain yogurt on a cotton bud (Q-tip) and inserting it into the vagina will help with thrush, and I even got tested for thrush, if I remember, but the test came back negative and the symptoms do not match for thrush. But I will try to eat a lot of yogurt. It couldn't hurt.


I would say if you can get drinkable yogurt, then have two a day until it clears up. Your problem could also be that you are bathing TOO MUCH. Believe it or not that can worsen things.

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Are you lactose intolerant by any chance? Sometimes it calls the natural flora to be off balance and effects things like this. Also check to see if you have any issues with gluten. Also - are you making sure you are dry before putting your underwear on? I found out that was a problem I had. Also, you don't want to cleanse out the vagina. It has natural bacteria - splashing or wiping with plain water will do. harsh soaps disrupt the balance. it naturally cleanses itself.


btw acidophilus is a supplement that returns balance to your digestive enzymes if you are taking it by mouth. Yogurt with active cultures also works in this way, but you would have to eat lots of yogurt to get the dosage and if you are lactose intolerant and don't know it, it would be counterproductive. if you can't afford it, check the health food store or whole foods, trader joe's etc. It is better to get a smaller amount of pills just to get started than wait til you can afford a big one. It is cheaper obviously to buy a large amount at once, but you do what you need to do. you should be able to get some quantity for under $15 and that is way less than risking your situation getting worse


I am not too sure it was from a tampon. What do you mean by unclean? If it was taken out of the wrapper and put in, its fine. If you reused it, its not. If you unwrapped it and then it fell in something and you put it in anyhow it may not be. I guess i am confused as to why you think the tampon did it. I used tampons for years and was a virgin and never had issues. In fact, I had more issues with pads just because i had a harder time keeping clean.

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Keep in mind that the reason yogurt is good to eat (concerning vaginal issues) is because it contains acidophilus. I don't think you could eat enough yogurt in a single day to equal 12.5 billion, so you might as well try the prescription she gave you.


Also, you might look into making some boric acid suppositories. If it IS a ph imbalance, those will probably help. You can request a prescription for them, but they're really expensive--or, you can google how to make them yourself (it's really easy ).


Is it possible for you to make an appointment with a gyno without a referral? I find it VERY odd that your GP refuses to acknowledge that you would know what's normal and what's abnormal for your own body.


The reason I urge you to find a gyno and see them is because I have had similar issues now for almost two years, and for a year I didn't do anything because my GP told me it was "normal" and would "go away on its own." And now, 2 years later, I'm about to have a biopsy because I finally saw a gyno who took me seriously and does think there's something wrong. Don't let yourself get 2 years down the road only to find out there really WAS a problem all along. If you can, don't hesitate to go see an actual gyno!

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Hi sugardonut,

I have no clue what could be wrong, but I'd suggest you make yourself an appointment with a gynecologist if none of the at-home suggestions work out. Since this isn't usual something is obviously wrong (whether it is just a Ph imbalance or something else), and a gyno is way more likely to figure out what it is. I don't think you have to have a referral to see a gyno either. Just check your phone book or google gynos in your area. Ask a friend too. Call the office and tell them you need to get in ASAP and they might be able to work you in pretty quickly.


And not to mention if your doctor was getting testy with you and won't give you a referral when you know your body better than she does, you may consider finding a new doctor too.

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Thanks for the responses, everyone. You've been way more helpful than any of my doctors have.


The prescription she gave me is for capsules with 12.5 billion good bacteria, and can be bought without a prescription. But anyway I will try to get some and start taking it soon. Hopefully that will address the ph imbalance, if that is the problem. I've also started eating yogurt every day and will try to also have some of that drinking yogurt regularly (which tastes really nice if you haven't tried some). Nope, I'm not lactose intolerant, although, full-cream milk doesn't sit well in my stomach. I usually drink skim milk. I hope this won't affect the capsules.


I have actually never needed to go to a gyno before. At my clinic there are several different doctors to see, so every time, bar the last two appointments has been a different doctor. I stressed to her on my last visit that because nothing came up on the test and I was STILL having abnormal discharge, then that should be more than enough of a reason for her to refer me. Instead she said it was probably my normal discharge when I think I know my body better than she does. If I can't get this under control myself then I'll have to privately organise an appointment with a gyno on my own.


pinkrobot - Thanks for letting me know about your similar experience. It's a shame that doctors sometimes don't give people enough credit when describing symptoms (as did two of the ones I saw, dismissing the symptoms in quite a rude way), or a gut feeling that something is not right. If they'd just take us seriously the first time then we wouldn't have to keep going back, clogging up the health care system even more! If you would like to share, I'm curious as to what the results of the biopsy are. I hope for your sake it isn't too serious.


Once again, I really appreciate the advice. *hugs* You've helped me SO much. I know being a doctor is stressful, but if only they were as concerned as you all are about my health.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My pH balance gets screwed up a lot too. Taking acidophilus pills didn't really work for me. What has helped is actually putting them up my vagina and letting it dissolve there.

Is this really a good idea? I'm just wondering if this might make things worse for me. Do you think I could open the capsule and sprinkle the contents into my underwear instead?

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Is this really a good idea? I'm just wondering if this might make things worse for me. Do you think I could open the capsule and sprinkle the contents into my underwear instead?


It may have worked fine for Greywolf, but in the year and a half I was trying to figure out what was wrong I did things like this--once I did put an acidophilus capsule up there, and it made things so much worse for me. Every woman's body will probably react differently to it. If you're really wanting to try it, I'd call your doctor first and see what she has to say. Take this from someone who experimented way too much and wishes she would have checked with the doc before a lot of the things I did.

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If you can't afford the medication, try home remedies like people above suggested.


Also, this is REALLY disgusting, but it REALLY works. My grandma had me do this once when I had a horrible yeast infection.


You have to cook 1 egg, yolk & white (scrambled), and place it in your panties, directly under your vagina. I would suggest you don't walk out of the house with it lol, but you can wear it in the house for as long as possible.


I surprisingly tried this before, just to see if it really works, & it did. I did it for 2 days, about 2 hours each day, & the yeast infection went away. I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of the egg is, honestly. I'm guessing it helps cleanse/absorb the bacteria or whatnot. Either way, I know it works.


You will most likely NOT find this anywhere, probably not even on Google. It's something they did in the middle east back in my grandma's days (she has remedies for everything).


If you're not disgusting & desperate enough, it wouldn't hurt to try this.


*Feels stupid for publicly sharing this* lol

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