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Always respect yourself


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This is an excerpt from one of my private blogs. I thought I'd share this with people in this forum. This is my general philosophy of how to handle abusive relationships.


Some people may not be able to fully understand and/or tolerate the following, as it may seem abstract. This is intended to show everyone another aspect of people in our society. This is to open people up from where I'm coming from and how I can help people. This is geared towards men and women.


Self-Respect: Always Respect Yourself. That is very powerful.


You don’t respect yourself if:


* you fill your mind with self-deprecating thoughts every day


* you damage your body with drugs, alcohol, or bad eating habits


Don’t succumb to other people’s expectations of who you should be or what you should do. Look in the mirror. Honor the great person you see both inside and out from the color of your skin and the shape of your body to the love in your heart and the heart of your soul. Love yourself. Believe in yourself.


Throughout my life I've met people who have deep-rooted mental and/or emotional problems that affected their self-respect.


You don't respect yourself if you stay in an abusive relationship.


The main problem in the black community that needs to stop is abuse/ domestic violence (for those who are unfamiliar, there are many people out there who have various behavior problems that may affect the way they live).


Here's what qualifies as abuse: link removed


Everyone should have a mental attitude of being independent when they are with someone. That means no matter who you're with you have your own limitations. Your own way of living. Your own inner strength. Your own dignity. Be secure with yourself.


In layman's terms, in a typical abusive relationship, one partner is in love with the apparent abuser while in reality the abuser has little or no interest with the partner. Moreover, the abuser is acting a way toward the partner where it should be highly considered that the victim should end the relationship, and depending on how bad the abuser treats the victim, the victim may consider ending all contact from the abuser. As it states in the help guide link, the psychological affects of abuse may run deep, which is sometimes difficult to pick up on.


I didn't include this, but I have useful tips on how to build a person's self-esteem in order for him/ her to be a more positive person.

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