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I came to a realization the other day...

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I was driving to another city the other day to visit a friend, and doing some thinking. I find I do some of my best soul searching while I am driving. I realized that I am happy. 3 months out of a relationship and I am happy. Not because I don't grieve my relationship or miss my ex because I really do. But there is more to me than that relationship. I have a great group of friends and family. I own a beautiful home and have a career that I am passionate about. This doesn't mean I don't have bad days but I am making a choice. I am choosing to focus on the positive things in my life.


By no means am I saying that I am completely healed or over my relationship but I am not going to let it cripple me. I am not ignoring my feelings in regards to my ex, I feel them, I try to work through them but in the end I realize that my life really isn't going to end. That I am a strong independent woman and nothing/noone can take that away from me.

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Every relationship and person is different. No one should feel like they have a time limit in which they need to get over their ex. Don't push yourself, feel everything you need to and work through it. It is really the only way we can heal. After a 7 year relationship I know I have sometime ahead of me before I am truly 100% over him. Good luck You have already come so far, you should be proud of yourself.

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