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Ok there is this girl I absolutely love, I should say like since I don't know her. I see her many times at school and everytime I see her I stare at her like if she where an exotic car. I stare until she is out of my sight. Well any anyways, I don't have her in any of my classes or know anyone that knows her. I really want to talk to her but she is always talking to other people and she is very outgoing. I always see her with her friends and some times she is talking to some guys. When she talks to the guys she jumps all over them and hugs them and she is always happy to see them. There was this one time when she was talking to some of her "guy friends" when suddenly one of the guys slaps her in the ass and grabs her like if he was her boyfriend. She must have known him for a long time because only a boyfriend would go and do that. She then just grabbed him from the neck and walked off with him like if they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I have never seen her kiss a guy, I've only seen her act almost like if she where their girlfriend.


It is very hard for me to talk to her because she takes my breath away. I would be talking to my friends and I see her pass by and I forget what I am saying and just completely focus on her. I have said hi to her but she is like those really perky girls and says hi back, but she won't take it like if Im hitting on her. she is really beautiful and I know for sure that there are other guys that like her like I do, only I love her more. You might be thinking that by the way she acts with other guys that I will forget about her but it just makes me want her more.


She Is nice, beautiful, and always happy. She has the most beautiful green eyes and angel voice I have ever seen and heard. She is very nice and is very curtius to others. She stands up for friends and talks to the people that she sees by themselfs. I know this from observing ofcourse.I don't know what I love most about her, her personality or her beauty. At first I only saw her as a beautiful girl but now see her as the most gorgeous angel I've ever seen. She is perfect she is everything I have always wanted in a girl. My friends say that if I do get with her that we would not last a week because we are complete opposites. But I don't care what they say.


Well I better wrap it up before I get carried away.


I want to find the perfect time to get to talk to her just me and her but its an impossible task because all of the other guys are all over her. If any one can help me on anyways I could get to know her better,I would really appreciate it.

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Find some common ground that you two can share. Ask for help on a math project or something..


Heh something I used to do was pretend I was doing a survey. (On any random topic). And then at the end, tell her how interesting her views on the subject was. And how you respect her opinions... Something like that. I don't know...



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I had that situation... and still do.


Theres a girl in my school who i just cant stop thinking about, even though I flirt with other girls ... I know exactly how u feel.


Last year, I did that with someone else, i'd just watch her, always interested in what she was doing, trying to find common ground and how to start a conversation... I did talk to her once, She had a really annoying friend that she was ALWAYS with, and i really didnt like her, she was kinda guarding her, making it harder for me. I finally found a time she wasnt with her friend (I kinda forced it by taking a spot RIGHT next to her so her friend had to go somewhere else) ... We were talking about a school project, and i kept trying to be funny, carefully reviewing every sentence I said over and over again in my head before I said it aloud. Since then, I started talking to her more, since I noticed she wasnt telling me to leave or giving me looks like shes bored. I asked her out earlier this year (broke up a month later but thats beside the point)


My suggestion ... Look for an oppurtunity when shes alone and TAKE IT, if you cant find a time shes alone, try to force it on her tehe ...

Once you make your move to be within her distance, talk to her, and try not to say anything stupid. DO NOT stop talking for more than 10 seconds or she will lose interest in you real quick. Make it seem like you have a lot to share, whether you do or dont. When you have to leave (or you run out of things to say) dont just say goodbye, make sure you say something like "So, I'll talk to you later I guess?" if she says yes, keep talking to her, get to know her, and let her get to know you too.

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