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hey everyone,


do we have any tips here on how to multi-task, and get some work done, especially when you're feeling upset, stressed, and disappointed?


a rant would be nice, but it's just going to do more collateral damage that nobody needs, unless it would offer some sort of resolution, to anyone. if you can handle it.

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Multi-tasking is not really the most efficient and effective way to get work done. Some people can tackle all kinds of things at once and do a good job on all of them..but most people who multi-task don't do a stupendous job on anything..they do enough of each to get it done but it is not done to the best of their capacity. I multi-task to a certain degree (as we all must in life) but at work I tend to focus on one project at a time for several hours. I find it is more productive and you do a better job if you block out a few hours to focus on one task only and get it done..then block out another few hours to get the next task done to completion or near completion. So I would suggest making a list of the things you need to do and prioritize them. What should be done first, second, third etc. Then take the first task and focus on that for a few hours..then the next one for a few hours etc. Focus your mind on the task, what needs to be done, what steps you need to take etc. The more you can focus on the task, the less your mind will wander to the issues which are causing you stress and upset.

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how do i multitask this? this is impossible. i'm on my 6th cigarette for today.


ex-boyfriend threatens to kill himself and a presentation tomorrow?

ex-boyfriend wants retributive justice because he believes i cheated on him and a presentation tomorrow?

ex-boyfriend is reading all my emails and a presentation tomorrow?

i've spot a cute guy! oh wait, ex-boyfriend threatens to kill himself, has a plan to turn cute guy against me, like he's done with all my other exes and friends and a i've got a presentation tomorrow? (i don't handle public relations very well)

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Task #1: Discard your cigarettes

Task #2: Focus, focus, focus on your presentation. That is the ONLY thing you should be concerning yourself with today..forget about this ex.

Task #3: After your presentation is over, vow to ignore your ex's contact. If he threatens suicide that is his issue not yours. I gather he was controlling and abusive to you during the course of your relationship. Do not listen to him, do not consider him at all as a factor in your life. Change your email address, change your phone number, get a restraining order on him and find a good support group for dealing with abusive, controlling exs. But do that AFTER you get through your presentation.

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this is never going to end.

he's going to continue on with being paranoid about every girl that he meets that may potentially cheat on him. there is no dice i want to get back with him, and all i get by listening to him is crap from him.

i'm going to continue on with being paranoid that every guy i meet either be sucked into our madness because we aren't mature enough to end it, or i bottle this paranoia of mine so there is no hint that it exists and proceed onwards on my ticking clock towards implosion.


so, for one last time....i did not cheat. you're welcome to call jon any time, send him or i a message, buy a ticket and fly me over to princeton and hook me up with a lie detector. no dice we are getting back together.


and for one last time...you are not a compulsive liar and did not hack or write any mad crazy stories. suck all your ex-girlfriend, my ex-boyfriend, into this madness of yours. that was all a fictive all my imagination that wasted all my time for nothing. as for restraining orders....it aint cheap...sighs*

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