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Deaf Ears Ignore My Pain...Help!


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First off, I'd just like to say that I read the entire post. I haven't read everything that's been said since then, but I did read the first one.


There's really nothing to be said in situations like this. We just have to grieve. I'll admit that I've never been through something as difficult as this. But a broken heart is a broken heart. I think we've all experienced that at one time or another. We don't want to hear, "aww it'll be okay," because it feels insincere. Right now, you are NOT okay. Things do NOT feel right. I understand that. This is something that you've got to do on your own. I'm more than happy to be here as someone to listen along the way, and to let you know that you aren't alone. You'll get stronger. I find that after a while of grieving and crying and going over every little detail in your head, your body just finally says, "I've had enough. I cannot do this anymore," and that's when you'll move on. You've just got to let yourself reach that point. Breaking up is a time where you've got to let yourself flounder til you hit rock bottom before you can pick yourself back up. I'm hurting right now too. Trust me. I hope that getting over things is a speedy process for you. I wish there was something I could say or do to hurry the process along, but this is one of the RARE instances in which there's nothing to be done except wait.

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Hello, pleasure to meet you and I really appreciate you taking the time out to read and respond. I also appreciate the kind words of encouragement, I really needed that. It has been a very long and hard road to travel on. You wonder if things will ever get better for any of us. You often engage in blaming yourself and then you're inviting anyone who will listen to your pity parties. I was almost weak today and thought about emailing him some of my frustrations, but it would not get me anywhere but the same state I am in now. Rock bottom is what I have hit, but I am having a hard time excepting everything that is going on right now. I wanted to acknowledge your response and I would like to chat somemore, I will be on later on. If you would like to share stories, I am here to listen as well...

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