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if you are interested, keep trying until she says no - or you give up. that's just the way it goes, there is no clear cut rule. she could be playing hard to get, genuinely busy, or not interested ... but she gave you her number. some girls will do that to avoid feeling guilty, or for whatever reason - but rarely is that the case.


giving you her number is generally a sign she likes you back... so it's up to you how much effort she is worth.

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Break it down for us - how many times have you called or tried to contact this person, and how many times has his person contacted you back? That will help some...


But everyone's right, it depends on how much effort you are willing to put in to contacting this person. But if they aren't contacting you back, is this really someone that is worth your time and effort? Interest and a potential relationship is a two way street. I'm really interested in Christina Hendricks from the show Mad Men, but since she doesn't know I exist I really doubt there's much interest there.


See what I mean?

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Break it down for us - how many times have you called or tried to contact this person, and how many times has his person contacted you back? That will help some...


But everyone's right, it depends on how much effort you are willing to put in to contacting this person. But if they aren't contacting you back, is this really someone that is worth your time and effort? Interest and a potential relationship is a two way street. I'm really interested in Christina Hendricks from the show Mad Men, but since she doesn't know I exist I really doubt there's much interest there.


See what I mean?


Agreed, as usual. And laughing, as usual.

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Break it down for us - how many times have you called or tried to contact this person, and how many times has his person contacted you back? That will help some...


But everyone's right, it depends on how much effort you are willing to put in to contacting this person. But if they aren't contacting you back, is this really someone that is worth your time and effort? Interest and a potential relationship is a two way street. I'm really interested in Christina Hendricks from the show Mad Men, but since she doesn't know I exist I really doubt there's much interest there.


See what I mean?


Well..basically she gave me her number after I asked for it last Saturday after having an amazing conversation...I let her know I liked talking to her, we texted a little back and fourth last week, talked to her one day, I work overnights, she works days, (which she told me that sucks cause she wanted to hangout) she seems interested because she keeps asking me questions and Friday she had a wedding rehearsal and said she would call me later, she never did. I knew she was busy with the wedding the next day and she told me earlier in the week that she had a jewelry party on Sunday so I didnt contact her. Keep in mind she knows I work overnights 7pm-5am. So I call her Monday and leave a message to call me when she gets a chance and now its Tuesday and havent heard back.


Now heres the thing, normally I would just let it go and think she was just not interested but she seemed like she was and I REALLY dig this girl ALOT. I normally would just say oh well and move on but I felt like I REALLY connected with this girl...really connected, like I have only a handful of times in my life. So what do I do, should I just let it go, should I send some text, do I wait until tomorrow if I don't hear back and send some type of text,do I let her know how much I like her? ?? Keep in mind I don't want to let this girl go.....

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I getcha. If you felt a connection that good, you wouldn't want to let that go, totally get it.


I think that give her today and tomorrow to get back to you. People get busy, they go out with friends, work, all that stuff. Stupid life, it's so annoying and always getting in the way! But if you give her a couple days to get back to you and she still hasn't responded... well, you're gunna have to throw a Hail Mary and call or text her one last time, and hope she calls ya back.


If you've done that, a couple days from now, and still no response, I'm afraid that you're going to have to accept this as a loss and that she wasn't interested, or that she got so busy it affected her entire molecular structure and she just exploded. Choose whichever ending you like best.

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Tell ya the truth, Alwayz, if she doesn't contact you back you really should just count her as dead to you. Or she's really dead, but in both cases you likely won't be going out.


Women can be fickle creatures, so there's no telling why she gave you her number and seemed into you at the time, then changed her mind later. I'd just let her go if she doesn't contact you back. She's not the only worthwhile girl out there.

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Tell ya the truth, Alwayz, if she doesn't contact you back you really should just count her as dead to you. Or she's really dead, but in both cases you likely won't be going out.


Women can be fickle creatures, so there's no telling why she gave you her number and seemed into you at the time, then changed her mind later. I'd just let her go if she doesn't contact you back. She's not the only worthwhile girl out there.


No... can't let this girl go yet. Ill send that text above if I do not hear from her by this afternoon....

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Now when someone says that they will call you and they dont call back or you leave a message form them to call you when they get a chance and they dont call back within a day or two.......does one just let it it go as it would seem they are not interested or do you try again to contact them?


She is either trying to work you hard or just not interested.

Personally I would just call another girl.

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If I don't get a reply by tomorrow afternoon would it be weird to send a text saying........ "Hey, ----how are you? So cool girl, when can I take you out, learn more about ya, and see those eyes again'?



So, I sent this text 7 hours ago and got no response....Im about to stop trying...I have met so many girls since my ex and this is the first one that I really connected with...i am so sick of this.

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I think you already sent off your Hail Mary. By now I don't think you made the pass connect.


Honestly, the best thing to do now is to not contact her. You'll have your dignity and self-respect to not contact someone that isn't interested, and you just might be making her wonder why you aren't contacting her anymore. You never know, but that's the best plan for ya.

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I think you already sent off your Hail Mary. By now I don't think you made the pass connect.


Honestly, the best thing to do now is to not contact her. You'll have your dignity and self-respect to not contact someone that isn't interested, and you just might be making her wonder why you aren't contacting her anymore. You never know, but that's the best plan for ya.


So I just get a text saying sorry her ex boyfriend deleted my number from her phone and asking what am I up to. When I talked to her last week her ex who she shares the same cell phone plan and has access to her voicemail password deleted my voicemail from her cell phone and was yellin at her asking who I was....


So how do I respond?

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So I just get a text saying sorry her ex boyfriend deleted my number from her phone and asking what am I up to. When I talked to her last week her ex who she shares the same cell phone plan and has access to her voicemail password deleted my voicemail from her cell phone and was yellin at her asking who I was....


So how do I respond?


I would stay far away from her, who knows what he might do to you.

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I would stay far away from her, who knows what he might do to you.


She has been broken up with her ex for about 3 months now and has been living with her sister for the past 2. She also told me that it was along time coming when she she left him as he was preyty much absolutely horrible to her. They have a 2 year old son together so I am sure they are in constant contact.


I really do like this girl...I just dont know what to believe or how or how to go about responding to this??????

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She has been broken up with her ex for about 3 months now and has been living with her sister for the past 2 but she also told me that it was along time coming when she she left him as he was preety much absolutely horrible to her. They have a 2 year old son together so I am sure they are in constant contact.


I really do like this girl...I just dont know what to believe or how to respond to this....


My honest opinion is that they have far more than a son holding them together and until she can extricate herself much further than she has thus far no relationship with her would be fair to you.


I am divorced with two children. My ex and I go 2-4 weeks at a time without needing to speak to each other at all. When we do we keep to the topic at hand. Each conversation lasts less than three minutes usually. He hasn't been invited anywhere near my property in over a year.


Not that everyone should be like me, but I wanted to contrast with someone who is still on their exes cell phone plan.

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My honest opinion is that they have far more than a son holding them together and until she can extricate herself much further than she has thus far no relationship with her would be fair to you.


I am divorced with two children. My ex and I go 2-4 weeks at a time without needing to speak to each other at all. When we do we keep to the topic at hand. Each conversation lasts less than three minutes usually. He hasn't been invited anywhere near my property in over a year.


Not that everyone should be like me, but I wanted to contrast with someone who is still on their exes cell phone plan.


I am sure she will be getting her own cell phone plan soon and I may be the first guy she has talked to since she left him and he doesnt like it. The fact is she has been over him for awhile and I am sure it is tough to get away from him when there is a child involved and he doesnt agree with the breakup.

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