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Upcoming Meeting with the Ex- Opinions appreciated

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Well I am going back to my old college to see some friends and hang out at a spring festival we have every year. The problem is my friends are also friends with my ex, who broke up with me 3 weeks ago and has made no effort to contact me. i know i am going to see her at some parties this weekend and from what i have heard she has no desire to see me and wants to avoid me as much as possible.She also has been having a great time, enjoying the last few weeks of school and hasnt been upset about this from what i have heard. In a way I am going up to college so that she sees me and doesnt forget about me and I want to show her that I can act cool in front of her. I guess I am wondering if going up to college is such a good idea or not. I know she is going to be all drunk and will be nasty to me if she sees me and could quite possibly be with another guy. I know it will hurt to see this but I cant get the thought out of my mind that she needs to see me in order for me to stay in her mind. We dont live near each other and this might be my last chance to see her.


Below is the story of the breakup which i have posted before.


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Hi Bowski!!


I've been in similar situations before. You said you broke up 3 weeks ago. I think its a too short period of time to see your -ex-. If i were you, i wouldn't go there (not what you want to hear right?). You decide anyway. If you decide to go, try to have as much fun as possible. It will be a good idea to ignore her too. If you meet her, just say "hi" and do not start any "deep" conversations. Try not to look at her too. You will probably feel pretty good during the party but the coming days will be very bad. My experience. Id like to hear from you... PM me!!!


English is my second language, hope its clear enough!!!

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