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Help me, Im a suicidal teenager

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Well killing yourself isn't gonna make anything better. You need to talk to a school guidance counselor, or your parents, or a doctor who a friend who isn't a 'homophobe' and see if they can't help you cause killing yourself is Not gonna help you.

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Well, that is quite a lot to deal with especially when you are only 12. It is awesome that you are getting help, because dealing with problems like these are extremely hard by yourself. I'm sorry. but I have no idea how to deal with your friends being homophobes. Maybe you could just not tell them, or get new friends. I mean seriously, if they are going to pick on you because of your sexual preference, are they even really your friends? Of course, it is really hard to get new friends, and even harder to tell a bunch of homophobes that you are gay, so those might not be the best ideas. Think of something that you want and then spend a lot of your time trying to get it. That always helped me when I was having some troubles with suicide. I just told myself, I wasn't allowed to do it until I discovered the meaning of life. Since that isn't happening anytime soon, I don't think I'll be committing suicide. Good luck, and please don't kill yourself. Think of all the pain you cause everyone else, just so that you can be free. You'll only get to live your life once, so don't waste it.

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Well, it is only to be expected as the issue of you being gay is probably a very touchy one considering the age that you and your friends are at. If you decide to tell them and they react irrationally then that shows that they just aren't mature enough to handle a secret of that calibre. Anyways, as for the whole suicidal thing, killing yourself won't do you any good. I know you feel you're going through a tough time, and trust me everyone has their times. You just gotta be strong and stick it out cause if you don't, then you'll never know what could have been. Trust me, you'll get through this... don't let it shake you and when you are ready, tell friends and those close to you. Remember, you are still young... not too much younger than me but it can be a confusing time... so keep on keepin on and don't let it get ya down! luv ya!


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I have been in the same position...I know i am only 14 but ihave been to a mental hospital by not acting but sayin i was going to kill myself....i have only cut myself once....One of my old friends i have grown up with since i was 5 had a art of scars on her arm from cutting and it is addicting she said well come to find out she slit her throat....i would hate to hear/see another person in her position.....Do not worry about people being hateful against you being gay its on you with what/who race/sex/person you love....I am lesbian and i love my girl friend so much but besides that cutting does not help none....Answer this question"How does it benefit you?"

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Man your only 12 you got everything ahead of you..I was made fun of and poked at in school at your age and I got over it...if your being made fun of because of your sexuality than it shows everyones immaturity on the subject I'm not gay to be honest but I've learned to respect them Did you know that there are gay people in the Congress?..the head of the FBI J Edgar Hoover was gay and known to be a cross dresser..None of these people ever killed themselves either and who says they didn't deal with the same stuff you do.. I once went on a police ridealong and saw the after effects of someone killing themselves..the family was in shock they had no idea and by then it was too late to do anything..I lost a friend to it and I still think there could've been another way out besides it.



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Hey!!! Before you try to attempt anything with your life give me the opportunity to talk to you, please. Look there is nothing in this world that cannot be fixed with death. While you read this think about the last person you made smile, think about the last time you woke up and there was a bright sun and it was just for you. Look sweetheart friends come and go, if these friends of yours who are homophobics do not stick by your side when you come out of the closet that means that they were never your friends, and I am sure that you will find some very good friends along the way. I really do not know if you believe in God or not but let me tell you that no matter what you think he loves you with all his heart and He is willing to take you the way you are, just give him a chance, he will not leave you down. Go out and look at the starts and when you find the brightest start, know that it is up there only for one reason and that is YOU. If you need someone to talk I am here just email me and i will try to respond ASAP, I am not going to try to solve your problems I am simply going to listen to you and give you a little advice if that is what you want. Please email me, Txs.

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I have a feeling that your parents have an ulterior motive for not wanting you to do what you love. Maybe they want you to do something else in place of them. You should try talking to them and make a compromise. Also, how on earth can anyone stop you from drawing and writing plays? I mean, that is pretty difficult to do even if your parents owned you as a slave. (Which they technically do, at least until your are 18).


Hope it all turns out all right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

if your friends care about you they will understand homophobia is just a trend i doubt your friends will mind. you could tell a girl shell listen

i know how you feel im straight but im suicidal and every time i tell some one they tell me to see some one else including my high school counselor you can make it through this

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  • 3 weeks later...

hmm... i've lost a lot of people bc of admitting that i have depression issues and cut and may be bi and it is lonely and hard. but i would rather be lonely and being myself than have 100 friends and acting like someone i'm not. best of luck.



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  • 4 weeks later...

suicide is NOT the answer. hang in there, things getter..the dark clouds will life. there are people out there that will listen and you will rise above all of that. i've had 2 people in my family commit suicide and ive found it does nothing. i promise there are better ways to cope. you've got a full life ahead of you, don't take it away. i'm so sorry to hear about everything you're going through, but things will get better. go here if you need it and please contact me anytime


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take care all and contact me if you like anyone

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EmptySoul is right. you would be happier if you had one friend for who you are than a million who like you for who they want you to behave you told your parents.i know they might be really upset and not take it well, but i think they might want you to stop all those things so you will stop being ridiculed.if you tell them maybe it would help.a councilor would also be a good idea. contact me if u need a friend


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  • 1 year later...

suicide? no man. it ain't worth it. i've tried cutting myself like 10 years ago, and hasn't done it since those 10 years. i've had people tell me that i had so much potential in life. i'm not exact;y suicidal, but i've isolated myself a lot. don't waste your life on suicide. you'll be missing out in life. you probably have so much potential in life. have you ever thought about what you wanted to be when you grow up? a doctor? a paramedic? just think about what i'm telling you.

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Do they even still exist?

I know that theres a new hetro macho style around these days which sometimes gets mistaken for homophobia but I havent known of any homophobes for years.


Sounds like it may be more a chemical imbalance in your head thats causing these suicidal tendincies. And that a job for a GP with a knowledge of depression.



I know theres a few first rate gut less $%^& that will use any excuse at all to attack the weakest victim around but this is nothing to do with homophobia and these people are not your "friends". Even if it means being completely alone believe me you are better off with nobody at all ( been there, done that too). Friends may be high on your priorities now but, trust me, friends like this are not worth it.



I'm not sure that, at your age, you can really be sure of your sexuality anyway. Hell! Half the girls are still worried about "boy germs". Get hold of a few gay rights websites and have a chat to them. They may be able to help you. Certainly more than any wild guesses by me or your classmates. And you can keep it confidential with them.


(One word of warning.Some of these sites are gay pick up sites so don't arrange any face to face meetings. Just stick with the e mails.)


The only one that I can reccomend is the worst sounding one of the lot. "Older Dykes" These ladies are a bunch of silver haired Australian lesbians but they are very approachable and a great mob to just chat to. I'm fully hetro but still great e buddies with a few of them.







Ive tried 3 times, and Ive finally thought aobut geting help, i feel lyke everyday just gets even more unbearable, but Im also an in the closet gay, and some of my friends are homophobs, so im even more scared... please help me
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Nice to hear it from somebody else.


I've been alone (not lonely) and been myself, many times over the years. And its still better that way because, at the end of the day I still gotta live with myself.


hmm... i've lost a lot of people bc of admitting that i have depression issues and cut and may be bi and it is lonely and hard. but i would rather be lonely and being myself than have 100 friends and acting like someone i'm not. best of luck.



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EDIT: Haha, this topic is old..


When I was in 4th grade, someone said that I had made out with a guy, and it wasn't true. I was in the closet and I was bisexual, and that 'rumor' was a coincidence.


(I began to know my sexual preference when I was in 3rd grade, by the way, so it can't be too young for him to know.)


Well, passing through the years, people thought I was gay, so they excluded me, said nasty things about me and everything. I was beginning to feel a bit suicidal, but I knew it wasn't worth doing in the first place--life is too precious to waste on some immature kids. Homophobia is going to be in most kids, because they haven't opened their minds to reality yet (If you know what I mean). In 7th grade, I had enough. I was so depressed in school, everday, waking up just to begin worrying about how sucky the day will be. I changed schools, and I was shy, because that experience had effected me emotionally. For one year, I was happy being alone, not being bothered.


Now, I'm in high school, I am much more openly bisexual to others, and I have found a boy, and we love eachother a lot. Make girl friends in high school. Then later, you can be open to them, and they wont mind.


The experience I had gone through has strengthened me so much, that no insult can being me down. I feel so overpowering, and wonderful.


So, basically hold out till high school, you'll make so many friends, try keeping your sexuality secret until then, probably.

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