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Why the EFF is your psycho ex G/F checking out my dating profile? If you are talking to her again (likely so cause you always run back), tell her to quit it.


I dont know if she knows that Im YOUR ex, or if she looks because we see each other around my office building.


If she knows that its me, your ex, then she knows your single. Good luck with that LOL

Oh and her idea of a great hangout is in the neighbourhood where you work - so keep an eye out (if you guys havent become friends again).

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i don't think I will ever understand someone like you. You gave so much at first.. and then ripped it all away. I did not feel as you did in the beginning but I was honest to you. I always was. Maybe you where the one that was not honest. Maybe everything you stood for and told me in the beginning was a lie. You lie well then. As soon as I gave you my heart you did not care anymore the same way. You distanced yourself farther and farther away and would not tell me why. You made it look like it was other things standing in your way. You made everything into drama. Everything stressed you out. Spending time with me was too much work. I did not request much... just what anyone deserves. You are an immature jerk.


I cant's tell you how much I can relate to what you said ! Except in my case he was 24 and we were engaged. It's been two months now and I just can't seem to get over it. Does it get any better ?!

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Spending more and more time with you isn't doing me any good. I've gone back to my old ways and I'm at your beck and call again. You simply have to say my name and I come running. It's like an automatic reflex that's just kicked back in. Just having you holding me in your arms, feeling safe for the first time in months and months, for a matter of moments makes my day. I wish I could replace the 5 years and start again as friends- but you still have my heart, and she still has yours. I wish I could get over you- I'm trying so hard but just spending all this time with you isn't helping S. I don't know what to do.

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I can stand the thought of you sleeping around. I can't stand the thought of you falling in love with someone other than me. Knowing she's the one for you. Smiling at her and complimenting her. Wanting to talk to her and spend time with her. It kills me. You don't even think of me, and if you saw me with another guy you probably wouldn't care. Please come back. I love you.

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Now that the holiday pass I know our reason to be cordial and have communication with each other has passed too. It was hard to talk to you yesterday, it even felt a little awkward....which was hard. Maybe this is it this time huh? Now that the holiday is over you'll respect my wishes for NC and just not call anymore? I don't know....and I don't get why this hurts so much when I'm the one who asked for it. Is it because your not reaching out to me, even against my wishes and a part of me unknowingly liked that? IDK....but today was just blehh. I know it will get easier, and I will NOT contact you no matter what I do. I'm still so angry and hurt that you strung me a long like this for SO long, and I know we can never be now. I just know I need to let go. I think talking to you, even casually yesterday may have done me more harm then good. Hearing about how you had such a nice Thanksgiving with family....when I had dreams a year ago out spending THIS Thanksgiving with YOU. Yeah, it kinda sucked to hear.


Just want next week to come so I can go back to routine and being busy again so time will pass. This weekend is gonna be a LONG sleepless one....

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Today I'm going to see you. Don't know how it will go but I presume you'll hide your feelings. It's easier for you that way. Either way, it's your loss... I don't think any girl will give you what I gave you and, not to sound pathetic but - you'll regret your choice definitely. Especially when you even now drunk dial me and send all kinds of love messages.

Leave now and regret later. Over and out.

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Sometimes I feel so stupid for wanting to receive your messages although I don't respond to you. Today I quickly checked my phone and e-mail for a message from you but I saw nothing. That made me feel that you already forgot about me, that you got sick of writing me. I can understand but you have to also understand that it's for the best for me to not respond and maybe it's for the best that you don't write to me anymore. Your messages just keeps me attached to you emotionally and I don't really move on completely.


Today I woke up wanting to asked you, What did you did on Thanksgiving? Did you took her with you? Are you really with her? I really missed you at dinner at my parent's house. They made all your favorites. I was thinking of you most of the time, but I also thought of how you hurt me, how you betrayed me, how you lied to me and cheated on me with her. My suspicious were correct and you made me believe that it was all on my head. Maybe it's for the best that you left me and we are no longer together. But that doesn't make me stop thinking why her?, what to you see in her? After you told me that I was the girl you most loved in the world, that I was the love of your life, that I was the most compatible girl for you and that I was awesome. We had some problems but those problems didn't gave you the right to do the things you did.


Well I have lots of things to do but the only thing on my mind is you. Sometimes I wished I could know if you think about me as much as I think about you. I wished I could know if you had suffered as I'm being suffering for the last 5 months. How could you be fine after 6 years together, and after all the good and the bad that we've been thru. Well I will never know, because I can't interpreted you, her, or anything I see, read or hear. The only who knows is you...and I will never know.



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Its been 2 days NC and I was going crazy. Cried myself to sleep last night, had horrible dreams. Its torture. And today all I wanted was to talk to you, and low and behold you called. Im glad I didn't answer. Although I have mixed feelings when you called- part of me went YES he is still thinking of me....then the other part said NO please let me move on. I'm so mixed up and wanted to call you back so much....and I knew I needed to do something to stop this. So I looked at old messages I saved from your facebook back in the Summer- messages you exchanged flirting with other girls. I am honestly SO glad I saved them into my email, because now reading them over as I was beginning to soften towards you just brough back ALL the anger and hate I felt back then....and now it makes it easy to ignore you again.

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Well, it's been a year now since you moved out. I was doing better for a while but then something changed. I started thinking of you all the time, wondering how you are doing. I miss you and still love you. I'm afraid you are the one I let get away. Hope you are doing well. Happy Holidays.

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