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Can't Accept the Break Up... help

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OK, exactly one week has passed since the txt, and I was beginning to feel OK as he did not reply. People were telling me that I am more cheerful, and I only cried twice since then, and I felt OK!


And he just emailed me now. Thanking me for my email, but still saying that I need to get rid of the other guy because he is holding me back.


"If he comes back tell him that you are still with me."


I am confused. Didn't expect this at all... Didn't look like the big good bye email...

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Do you think it could lead to another chance?


He said thank you, for the email I sent, and he is glad to hear how he made me a stronger person (which I said in my email). And then he said to get rid of the other guy.


Then he added what he is doing in near future.


Email ended with simple,

"take care"


Didn't say he didn't want to hear from me. Then again it took him 3 weeks to reply after 1 email + 1 txt from me. Should I just forget it?

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sounds kinda weak.


i'd say forget it, for now... sometimes the statement "too little, too late" applies!


If that applies then maybe I should reply...!


I am still thinking and can't shake off the feeling that I should do the chasing. Am not sure why. What is the thing to do if I were to play the right card to get him back?


Or am I being silly here?

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If that applies then maybe I should reply...!


I am still thinking and can't shake off the feeling that I should do the chasing. Am not sure why. What is the thing to do if I were to play the right card to get him back?


Or am I being silly here?



what i meant by too little too late, was that it took him three weeks to respond , and with not much info beyond seeming to care vaguely about your well-being. not shutting any doors, but not exactly opening up any either. the "take care" seems to sum up the friendly indifference of what you said was contained within the email, no? not saying i miss you, want to see you etc.


And of course it is impossible to know how he 'really' feels - all you can go on now is that he chose to end things with you. and has not turned around and said "i've made a mistake". trust me i know how hard this is to accept! i am the same as you. it is very HARD for me to ever, shake off the feeling that I should do the chasing. even after being dumped! it's like a faulty switch in the brain! but a lot of times when someone says it's OVER, they'd like you to respect that. just think about where his head is at right now.


so i feel you have two options at this moment. One, and the one i recommend and is the most beneficial for the healing process / MAYBE getting back in the future, is DO NOTHING. don't answer. just let it be. keep living your life and letting this fade to the backburner as much as possible. healing.


or if you choose, send an email back that puts your feelings on the line. yes your pride is involved, but if you feel you TRULY love this man and thus need to give it a shot, perhaps it is worth it.


may be some people would recommend just taking a casual / "emotion-free" friendship with him and seeing where it can go, but i think this is painful. and close to impossible, especially in the space you are, wanting to be back with him. been there done that, do NOT recommend it.


best of luck with whatever you do, and remember, the more time you take for yourself, the better you'll be able to put this all in perspective in thinking if you ACTUALLY want this person back in your life!

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What you said was exactly what I'd think if I were to give my advice to someone other than myself. What you say is so true. I will think very hard again on this. Thank you for your words. And, no, I can never be friend with my ex, either. I am just not cut out for it.


I am confused now because,

1. Didn't think he would reply,

2. and even if expected him to reply i expected him to tell me to go away.


(He never ever says "I miss you" anyway. Apparently it's common for ppl who went to boarding school.)


Instead, the email was really nice one, encouraging me to believe in myself, for him. It didn't sound at all like "go fxxx yourself" email.


Don't they enjoy it when being chased?

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Hey iamgrl30!


Yes, I am taking a breathe, and I have almost decided to reply. Not to ask him back or anything, but to say thanks. I read the email a few times now, and it really is a nice email. It certainly doesn't close the door, I have decided, but am not taking that as his invitation for next chance.


I think he wants me to reply. I think he wants me to show interests. Well, I will reply and leave it at that, am not chasing after him.


I am feeling OK about this, which is great

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