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Another one bites the dust...


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sigh.... its the same thing... the patterns are the same....


Girl initiates contact after seeing my online profile. I respond back. She asks for my picture. I send her one and request her photo. And that's it. I don't hear back anything....


And it happened yet another time this week...


All these rejections are really concerning me a lot these days and to be honest I feel more and more unattractive.


To the women here that say that confidence is the key factor and personality/character matter more than looks -> Where are you all located? Do you people live here in the USA? Do you really really choose men based on confidence and personality?? Plz be honest.


sorry... I just feel so frustrated and had to vent...

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online dating is tough because its hard to show that confidence off in such a short amount of time.


is the picture of poor quality?


also i would personally never message anyone who doesn't have their pic up, it makes me believe they are hiding for a reason.

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Yes we are out here...not all women put the highest regard to looks.


Please vent all you want that's what these forums are for. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Don't feel like it is you, you should always love yoursefl regardless of what happens. Don't let other people alter that perception.


I am sure you have a lot to offer and I am sure that these women were all wrong for you anyways. Try to stay positive I know its hard out there.


Maybe you should try to meet some women at a bookshop or some place like that where people actually have a soul...

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online dating is tough because its hard to show that confidence off in such a short amount of time.


is the picture of poor quality?


also i would personally never message anyone who doesn't have their pic up, it makes me believe they are hiding for a reason.


She had her picture but it was password protected. She had emailed me and asked my picture. I sent it and asked for hers. And she just kept quiet.

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Yes we are out here...not all women put the highest regard to looks.


Please vent all you want that's what these forums are for. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Don't feel like it is you, you should always love yoursefl regardless of what happens. Don't let other people alter that perception.


I am sure you have a lot to offer and I am sure that these women were all wrong for you anyways. Try to stay positive I know its hard out there.


Maybe you should try to meet some women at a bookshop or some place like that where people actually have a soul...


Thanks for your kind response.


To be honest I am finding it more and more difficult to love myself. These days I look at the mirror and criticize myself sooooo much. I am starting to hate myself. I feel like I have lost my looks and there is no more chance....


These rejections have been happening for a very very long time now. Its the same pattern.

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Thanks for your kind response.


To be honest I am finding it more and more difficult to love myself. These days I look at the mirror and criticize myself sooooo much. I am starting to hate myself. I feel like I have lost my looks and there is no more chance....


These rejections have been happening for a very very long time now. Its the same pattern.


Please don't do that...if you can't and don't love yourself...how can you expect someone else to love you?

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I also wouldn't respond to a person without a photo b/c to me it seems fishy. Maybe try putting one up beforehand?


I am really not comfortable putting up my picture on that site Hers. It sounds like a great idea but honestly what difference would it make?

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Sorry, Gry. Dating sucks and is unfair. I've pretty much given up on it myself. I know that's not helpful. But I guess I can sympathize.


My "relationships" usually don't last more than a few weeks and I end up feeling like crap and wondering why I'm not good enough for the other person to want to stick around.


Eh, I've stopped trying. Too much work!

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Let me intoduce you to a little secret my friend.


Women who say it's personality that matters are full of bull!


first thing that matters is looks.....it always is.


If they like the look of you then you'll get dates.......then it's when personality matters.


First and foremost in the dating game there has to be attraction! Any woman who say's not is deluding herself and is quite frankly a liar....and i don't care what they say in response to this.......it is the truth and deep down they know it.

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Let me intoduce you to a little secret my friend.


Women who say it's personality that matters are full of bull!


first thing that matters is looks.....it always is.


If they like the look of you then you'll get dates.......then it's when personality matters.


First and foremost in the dating game there has to be attraction! Any woman who say's not is deluding herself and is quite frankly a liar....and i don't care what they say in response to this.......it is the truth and deep down they know it.


Definitely true. But not all women are attracted to the same things. Often the men I am attracted to are not attractive to my female friends. But I couldn't care less. Back when I was actually interested in dating, all that mattered to me was that I was attracted. What my friends thought, though at times amusing, had no bearing on how I saw the guys I was attracted too.

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Let me intoduce you to a little secret my friend.


Women who say it's personality that matters are full of bull!


first thing that matters is looks.....it always is.


If they like the look of you then you'll get dates.......then it's when personality matters.


First and foremost in the dating game there has to be attraction! Any woman who say's not is deluding herself and is quite frankly a liar....and i don't care what they say in response to this.......it is the truth and deep down they know it.


It certainly looks like it.... right after see they my pictures they just keep quiet.


I would really appreciate them if they at least let me know they are not interested and give me closure. They do not do even that.

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So you would rather waste time sending them your photo so they can reject you?


I'd rather have it laid out.....so they can make a decision without telling me.


hmmm... yea... kinda makes sense...


what kind of picture do you guys usually have in your profiles? is it casual? or formal?

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Maybe you should try to meet some women at a bookshop or some place like that where people actually have a soul...


Women who do online dating don't have a soul????


There are plenty of nice women that do online dating.


I think you should have pictures (not just 1) up on your profile and just contact people who have the same. This way you can avoid those women you won't have that initial attraction to and vice versa.

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It's better to put it up and not get responses rather than knowing full well they rejected you after they saw your picture. Then you wouldn't be able to keep track of the number of rejections you're facing b/c you wouldn't know if you're rejected personally or not.

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Well, just like in real life, it will be the looks that matter the most at first. They draw your attention and make you want to know more about this person, about her personality. From this perspective it's almost the same. However, online dating is more like going shopping in a store: There are loads of products on the racks and you just pick the best one ( the one that suits you best ). In real life you'll have the chance to immediately make up for other things: Attitude, humour, intelligence, ... Online, you'll be reduced to your profile picture and the few lines of text you'll be able to send.


That's why I'd try to meet people in rl as much as possible. No seriously, even though it works for some of us, you'll be reduced to a piece of meat that's being showed off when you date online. But that's just me.

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