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Bisexual/Gay....now what do I do?

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I dated a bisexual guy for only about three months. He told me that he had never had a relationship with a guy before, didn't even usually kiss guys, but that I was different. But, he also stated that relationships with women were still more important to him. He would disappear for weeks at a time, then accuse me of blowing him off. Finally, I couldn't take it and told him I was sorry, couldn't do this, had fallen for him big time, knew he would never be proud to be with me other than for sexual flings, and ended it. I have kept to the NC rule, although it's tough. He wants to be friends, I assume with no sexual contact, because he says he does miss me and I have a lot to offer him. Because I would want more, I say "this isn't pure, I want more, I need to have no contact". The problem is, I feel guilty. Am I weak for not being able to just be friends? I do care about him even though he treated me poorly and I do miss him a lot. Geez, I think I may be going slightly crazy........any advice will be appreciated!

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Thanks, to both of you, for your posts. I know it's true, and that I should concentrate on myself, I just seem to gravitate to men with issues, thinking that I can be the one that makes their lives better, and I lose so much of myself in the process..........

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