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hi guys n gals!

well im in abit of a situation here.....and dont know what to do.

i'll start of with this. well me and this girl where out for a good year. then she broke up with me. I asked her out again a month later, she said yes and we went out again for a month until she broke up with me again....the reason being a long distance relationship and she couldnt stand not seeing me all the time...it broke my heart!!

well i used the 'NO CONTACT RULE' for just a little over a month!...and hey it worked! one day she told me to call her coz she wanted to tell me something and all she could talk about was me not being in her life anymore, missing me all the time, and that she still loves me so so much!

she even told me she wanted to be out with me again so much! but wasnt sure if she would commit herself to the relationship and end up dumping me again.

this is where im stuck....plus she tells all my friends that she wants to be with me again!

what can i do?????


thankyou in advance for all ur replies!!


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How big of an issue is the long distance? do eithr of you drive? if you don't...that can really make a long distance relationship extra difficult. Relationships are always risky...you never know what's going to come out of them...LD is even more difficult. If there's a way to see each other more oftern i say go for it. If not...well...you 2 have to work that out.


Good Luck



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It sounds to me like she is just strining you along. Long distance is an excuse as far as i am concerned. If you truly want to be with someone, it is all those sorts of factors that you learn to deal with because you TRULY want to be with someone. you are making yourself a door mat for this girl, and that's not good. And hell! I'm a girl myself. You need to ask her once and for all what she wants, and no more stuffing around. There may just be someone else out there who will not do it, and by hanging around waiting for her, you may just miss your chance. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but i have been in your shoes and it

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