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I don't want to tell guys I'm unemployed...so I don't.


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It's always best to tell the truth right from the start. Once you start lying, it tends to build up whereby you find yourself covering up for another lie and it snowballs from there. When you eventually get caught out, it makes you really look bad and people immediately lose trust and they begin to wonder what else you have been lying about. Lying gets you nowhere.

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Not being sarcastic. I didn't really ask you that actually, I asked if I should just tell the truth. Its only been a week but I shouldn't lie anyway...whats the point. I think I should, if he doesn't like me after all oh well its not the end of the world after all. I just wish I could find a job....I hate being unemployed.



Can you work part-time in the meantime?

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Anyways I'm a man, i grew up knowing I should do well in school so i can get a good job and be able to provide for my family. If I get married I wouldn't want my wife to worry about working. If she wants to work thats fine but I wouldn't want her under the pressure that she HAS to have a job because we can't make it on my income alone. i know that is far down the line from just dating a person but isn't that the whole point to dating?

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