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Thinking of becoming a vegetarian


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Lately, I've been getting the urge to become a vegetarian. I don't eat meat that much anyway. I like it, but I'm not crazy about it, and because it's often so fatty I've been getting most of my protein from non-fat milk and yogurt lately anyway. So I think I might like to try vegetarianism.


The problem is that I really don't have a reason to become a vegetarian. While I don't agree with mistreating animals, it's never really been a passion of mine. Plus, my family raises a cow every year (free range, no hormones, slaughtered quickly and painlessly) for beef, so even if it was an animal welfare thing, I could eat their meat. And I wouldn't be doing it for health, really, as I believe humans are naturally omnivores, and a diet including meat can be just as healthy as a vegetarian diet.


Anyway, that being said, I would still be inclined to give it a go. However, I know it's just a phase. It'll last anywhere from two weeks to a year or so, probably. Like my other phases, I'll realize I'm over it one day and just stop. I'm fine with it being just a phase. But I'm worried other people will not. I feel like vegetarians get enough crap as it is... let alone a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat simply because. Also, I worry about eating at other people's homes, like my parents' or my boyfriend's parents' houses. I would feel awful basically saying, "Oh, rearrange your menu today and worry about me because I'm a vegetarian because I'm going through a phase." I feel like it would be ungrateful and teenager-ish of me.


I guess I'm looking for opinions about whether my fears of being a royal pain-in-the-butt are justified as well as advice from anyone about being a vegetarian in general.

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I would recommend trying it.



One thing I did was just stop eating all forms of industrialized meat. I'm a hunter and so is my stepdad.


I would gladly eat the caribou that he hunts and think nothing of it. That animal was a real animal who died at the peak of his life and went through his life doing what his species was designed to do. The same goes for your families cow.


Industrialized animals are forced to grow too quickly, get pumped full of antibiotics, don't even see a blade of grass, are forced to eat food that they aren't supposed to eat, and slaughtered long before they reach adulthood. Not only is it cruel but I'm eating low quality meat that's full of pesticides, antibiotics, and growth hormones. You are what your food eats, afterall.


That's how I've always seen it....


As far as eating at other people's houses, do as the french do. "It's bad table manners to have any inconvenient restrictions on food". Make exceptions for those days where it would inconvenience others.



I have a lot to say on the subject of food. Feel free to PM me or contact me through AIM.

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It doesn't even sound like it HAS to be a daily thing for you. Like the other posters said, just do it a few times a week, and feel free to eat meat when you're at other people's homes.


Vegetarians have to put up with a lot of crap, and if you're not 100% into the idea it's so not worth it. I was the topic of discussion for MONTHS at the dinner table. Every time an extended family member came over who hadn't heard of my lifestyle change, it was discussed all throughout dinner once again. People look at you like you have three heads.


That being said, it's still worth a shot to go 75% veg, allowing yourself some wiggle room to see if it's a lifestyle for you.

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It doesn't even sound like it HAS to be a daily thing for you. Like the other posters said, just do it a few times a week, and feel free to eat meat when you're at other people's homes.


Vegetarians have to put up with a lot of crap, and if you're not 100% into the idea it's so not worth it. I was the topic of discussion for MONTHS at the dinner table. Every time an extended family member came over who hadn't heard of my lifestyle change, it was discussed all throughout dinner once again. People look at you like you have three heads.


That being said, it's still worth a shot to go 75% veg, allowing yourself some wiggle room to see if it's a lifestyle for you.


I was a vegan for a while. People looked at me like I was crazy.


They automatically assume that you are a pretentious fanatic.


I plan on going back to veganism once I can afford it. I'll still eat meat, but only meat that has been hunted or I know has been raised on a free range farm with no chemicals and is left to live like nature intended.

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I'll still eat meat, but only meat that has been hunted or I know has been raised on a free range farm with no chemicals and is left to live like nature intended.


Strange...I'm pretty much the opposite. I'll eat meat from animals that have been raised on a farm but I won't eat animals that have been hunted. I don't like the idea of a wild animal being stocked and killed with a bullet.


To each his own, I guess.

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I just wanted to add, I am a vegetarian for animal reasons. And whatever reason, or whatever way you choose to be a vegetarian, you don't have to justify it or answer to ANYBODY. only YOU can decide what you want to eat and why. I have been a vegetarian for 9 years now and I STILL get crap for it and I dont care. I don't try to justify it for anybody, if they don't like it, too bad. You just do whatever is right for YOU. Eat meat, eat a little meat, eat no meat. That is your decision and you really have to answer to no one. And also, I have found most people are accommodating to me and my preferences and at least have one dish for me (I dont expect it, but its very nice of them to do) and i almost always have my own food, so they wont have to go out of their way for me.

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I think I know what I'm going to do for now.


If I had a real, passionate reason to become a vegetarian, I would be willing to take the crap for it and I wouldn't feel bad for not eating meat at other people's homes. But like I said, I have no real reason. It's a whim. So my plan right now is to prepare vegetarian meals for myself, and to enjoy meals with meat cooked for me by others. I go off to college again in a month, so after a month of being a part-time vegetarian, I'll decide if I want to try it at school for a couple of months. Come Thanksgiving, though, unless vegetarianism turns out to be a miracle-worker, I'll eat turkey at my boyfriend's parents' house... they give him enough crap for not eating beef and pork! And I'll decide what to do from there!


Thanks for your help, everybody! Greatly appreciated!

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I am honestly just wondering, why do you think you HAVE to have a REASON to become a vegetarian? Or explain to someone why you have become one? If you want to be one, just be one. It's just so odd to me when someone asks someone why they are vegetarian. It's like asking someone why they eat meat. It's just the way it is. Some people eat meat, some don't. No explanation needed.

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Strange...I'm pretty much the opposite. I'll eat meat from animals that have been raised on a farm but I won't eat animals that have been hunted. I don't like the idea of a wild animal being stocked and killed with a bullet.


To each his own, I guess.


You really appreciate the animal and where food comes from.


A lot of our society tries it's hardest to make meat not look like meat. We don't want to think that meat actually comes from a living thing.


To me, hunting is realizing that you are still an animal and truly learning to appreciate nature. I know, sounds corny. I can't explain. Your senses tighten, you feel like you've elapsed back into nature and become part of the scenery when waiting.


Now, there always will be hunters with poor taste. Hunting down animals before they are mature, overhunting, baiting, hanging out in cozy heated shelters and waiting rather than in nature....


But, we try and get rid of that.

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You really appreciate the animal and where food comes from.


A lot of our society tries it's hardest to make meat not look like meat. We don't want to think that meat actually comes from a living thing.


To me, hunting is realizing that you are still an animal and truly learning to appreciate nature. I know, sounds corny. I can't explain. Your senses tighten, you feel like you've elapsed back into nature and become part of the scenery when waiting.


Now, there always will be hunters with poor taste. Hunting down animals before they are mature, overhunting, baiting, hanging out in cozy heated shelters and waiting rather than in nature....


But, we try and get rid of that.


My uncle still hunts with a bow and arrow for that very reason. He's always felt like using bullets put him and the animal on un-even ground. Half the time the animals he goes after get away, and the other half of the time he gets them. It's his way of keeping equilibrium. I've always liked that.

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I am a vegetarian, my reason is simply because I think cows are too cute.. thats that. My reasons are my reasons =)


I do agree that people are naturally carnivores, I'm not a 'nooo don't eat that animal!!" person.


but I am for animal rights at the same time, hard to explain.


Fact is, I don't have to explain, its my choice and its noones business but mine and whoever else I want, like family and friends. I'm fairly sure your friends will adjust to it, and if you want you can just mention it to them see how they react and make a joke of it like "would ya be willing to cook specially for me?" lol

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I am honestly just wondering, why do you think you HAVE to have a REASON to become a vegetarian? Or explain to someone why you have become one? If you want to be one, just be one. It's just so odd to me when someone asks someone why they are vegetarian. It's like asking someone why they eat meat. It's just the way it is. Some people eat meat, some don't. No explanation needed.


See, if I was cooking for myself, I wouldn't need a reason to be a vegetarian. I just know that some of the people in my life would be kind enough to cater to my dietary needs. And I don't want to be a pain in the butt to the people who care about me for no real reason.


I think for now I'm happy with the compromise of eating meat prepared to me by others but eating vegetarian meals when I make my own food. But I'm an all-or-nothing type of girl, so being partial about anything doesn't always sit well with me! So this is a trial period!

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I am a vegetarian, my reason is simply because I think cows are too cute.. thats that. My reasons are my reasons =)


I do agree that people are naturally carnivores, I'm not a 'nooo don't eat that animal!!" person.


but I am for animal rights at the same time, hard to explain.


Fact is, I don't have to explain, its my choice and its noones business but mine and whoever else I want, like family and friends. I'm fairly sure your friends will adjust to it, and if you want you can just mention it to them see how they react and make a joke of it like "would ya be willing to cook specially for me?" lol


Lol...I think cows are cute too.

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^ hehe, I WILL own a cow one day, as a pet.


Dairy farms will sell male calves for super cheap. A lot of farms actually sell them when they are just days old! If you get one when it's young, and bottle-feed it, it really will be like a pet! Our first cow was like that... it was super friendly. You kind of learn not to get too attached to them when they just end up on your plate, though...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny you brought this up. I am thinking aboutthis as well. My problem is i am hopelessly addicted to meats, hot sauces, meats with hot sauces, and more meat. It's crazy, i eat meat 7 times a week at LEAST in any form possible. I know it's terrible, but I just feel that there aren't enough tasty non meat meals out there (not to mention lunches for work) that can satisfy my ridiculous appetite.


Not trying to steal your thread but thank you for saying this, i feel similar.

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Funny you brought this up. I am thinking aboutthis as well. My problem is i am hopelessly addicted to meats, hot sauces, meats with hot sauces, and more meat. It's crazy, i eat meat 7 times a week at LEAST in any form possible. I know it's terrible, but I just feel that there aren't enough tasty non meat meals out there (not to mention lunches for work) that can satisfy my ridiculous appetite.


Not trying to steal your thread but thank you for saying this, i feel similar.

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Not liking meat is reason enough.


And I'll be honest here...I've been a vegetarian for 9 months and have yet to have any issues with other people because of it. Some people have been surprised, but very accepting. You just simply try to tell people in advance to avoid awkward situations. If you get more serious about wanting to stop eating meat you could simply tell them you're not a fan of meat. People soon realize there are plenty of other things you like to eat.

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