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please help and tell me what u think i should do

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hi everyone..... this is the story


it all started with my friend having problems with her family...she started to cut her self and her parents saw the cuts on her arm they asked what it was from she said the cat scrached her. that wasent true at all and her parents new that after it got worse. so they took her to get help. that didnt really work, but her parents thought it did. but it didnt. she didnt do it for a while but then she started up again. then thats when i noticed it she was a cutter. so i sat her down and had a chat with her she said that you cant stop me from doing this its just somingthing i have to do. and this is my best friend. so then it got worse. she started to trough up her food. and i dont know why she only waid 98 pounds in the first place. so then after lunch in school i followed her into the bathrooms everyday after lunch and now she dosnt do that anymore..... but know she is in to more stuff like drugs, alcohol and sex....she sneeks out at night to go to guys houses to have sex and to do drugs and alcohol....but at least she is telling me this stuff...she trusts me....thats the thing i hate the most....because i feel i have to tell someone about this...it will probley hurt are friend ship but i guess its better then losing her complety. please try to help me....i dont know what to do..thanks nexty07

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It may risk your friendship but you need to tell someone else who can do something about it.

Cause really, would you rather risk ur friendship by telling someone.. or risk losing ur friend completely by not telling.

In the end if she's a true friend and you get her help she will thank you.

Being a cutter myself I know that when my friends first found out and told my parents I was mad but in the end it shows they care and i'm glad I have friends like that.

So do what's best and let someone know.

I wish you the best.


-Mythical Suicide-

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Your friend does need help and you, being one of the few that may know about this needs to help her. First try going to someone and doing the whole "I have this friend....." thing. That way you keep her privacy and may find out a way to help. Tell her how much this hurts you and that you care for her. She needs to know that there are people that care for her out there and that her doing this really affects them. If this still continues than you have to let someone who can really help (doctor, psychiatrist, other programs specializing in helping teens) that she has this problem. She may not appreciate it now but if it does help her she will be grateful. And hurting your friendship this way is way better than losing her completely. And if something bad ever happened to her, you would feel eternally guilty b/c you didnt tell anyone. She needs help and you are the one to help her.

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