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Tell me how 2 die no how 2 live

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i found out wat was going on her mom found out about us...and now she is going 2 try and break us up. I know Kara is just going to break up with me there is no reason for me 2 live anymore


Typical reaction. Im willing to bet that it will pass. But if not, I give you my speech.


You're only 15yrs old. You have AT LEAST another 10-15yrs worth of hardship and suffering to endure in order to be in the same league as other people when it comes to their life. And of course, once again it all stems from a girl. I swear, women will be the downfall of any man if you let them. I've said it before, I'll say it again, and a thousand times more if I have to for people to get it through their heads. There are WAY too many women out there to let any "one" of them cause you too much stress and grief.

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yes true,. i agree with your last post that there are millions of women out there, but u know what, Not every one of those million love/fancy or even like me, and once youve foudn that special person its hard to find anotyher person like it.


(in my case ive never found that special person or never will, or if i find my special person she wont find me special coz im ugly and have no confidence and stuff)


In my experience you cant help someone without experienceing what they have gone through. Its all well and good that you r telling ppl not to die because there are many options, but there MAY be many options in YOUR situations and life but not in others..

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I know how you feel i want to die too im sick of all the pain i feel from stupid love, men, friends, and everything in life. But i know that if i did do the worst thing and die...then my family and friends would be devestated recently my friend comitted suicide although in the end it was named accidental as he wanted t just scare his parents and not actually die. Now that effected alot of people, people who didnt even know him.....so if yu really do want to kill your self think what you might do to the people you leave behind. think how you can solve your problems that are makin you fell like this. I havent solved mine yet but thats why i am here.


Hope you overcome your problems



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The world can be crul at times to all of us. I myself have had thoughts of giving up at times in my life. Then i decided to make some changes in my life, and that checking out was never an option. If you would like to share with me what is going on, I would love to chat and make a new friend. you can make allot of new friends here. Your are in the right place, and you are here for a reason. So please let us help. But you have to do your part and tell us how we can help. I got help her myself. You have choices, and just when you think you have no choices left. That is a choice in it's self. Things get better, when we look at things from a different perspective. So lets see if we can do that together. Don't do anything drastic until we talk. You can pm me anytime. The ball is in your court.


Warm Regards





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Dont try to kill yourself any more. Its stupid, if you kill yourself that is just proving to all the people who put you down that you are weak but if you keep fighting them every day they will soon figure out that you are a person just like them with feelings. But if you let them put you down they will just keep on bothering you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, dont kill ur self man, its never worth it, ur pain might end, but the ppl u love will have to suffer . if u kill urself, ur loved ones will feel the same way u do and maybe even kill themselves. u dont want to be responsible for somone elses death, do you? think about it.


if u have no friends, join a club or somthing to meet new ppl. if u dont like the town u live in, or 2 many ppl r harassing and making u feel bad, try moving, ul spend some money, but if u kill urself, u loose all of it, u have everything to lose and everything to gain. sceise life, its a gift, not an enemy.

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i dont have anything to lose....no1 cares about me at all no1 loves me anymore they all just hate me my heart hurts everyday it gets harder to breath my parents beat me iam just tired of it all and its all over...there is really no point in trying i will just get beat everyday for the rest of my life

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When I was fifteen I wanted to kill myself because I was so depressed and confused about who I was. Then I kept thinking about it and thought about how stupid an idea it was. Didn't I want to find out what would happen five years, ten years down the road? Well, I'm glad I decided to find out. . .it's nearly ten years later and I look at who I am today and I realize how much stronger I am and that I overcame the sadness and the frustration from people who put me down.


As for these girls that you fall for, you can't expect to find your happiness in someone else. Happiness is what you will find for yourself. When you have the attitude that you aren't going to take anymore **** from anyone, people will see that changed attitude in you and be forced to respect you.


As for the physical abuse, especially with your parents, you need to go to the police. Do you have a relative you can confide in? Maybe live with? Learn to accept what you have control over. You don't have control over other people's feelings, but you do have control over people learning to respect you. Once you respect yourself, people will see that you are stronger than they thought.


But please, see a counselor and the police. Don't put up with this abuse anymore, and most of all, stop abusing yourself.

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you're not alone and things will get better, just keep your head up. suicide (and cutting, etc.) is not a subject to be taken lightly. it's scary and i've recenetly dealt with it personally. if you or anyone you know ever considers it, please reconsider. life is too precious and there are other ways to cope; it solves nothing. please keep this in mind and remember that the dark clouds will lift. you are not alone, remember that. this too shall pass and you will see that. contact me if you want, take care


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yo...i dont suggest suicide, thats the cowards way out of trouble...i suggest running away....that way your old self "dies" metaphorically, and you are reborn somewhere else as whomever you want yourself to be....its hard, i know, to do that at your age, but if the situation is that bad, then you could find satisfaction out of the struggle that you made to keep your self alive and independent...just words of advice from someone who knows

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  • 1 month later...

I think this is pushing the boundaries of ridiculous. If your parents abuse you, then tell someone about it, don't just sit there and take it, and then decide to take your life. If you ask me, that is definitely a stupid way to go about solving a problem.


I think you'd have a much easier time seeing a counsilor, or talking to someone who can help you escape the abuse than you would have trying to figure out exactly how many, and what combination of pills you could take in order to never wake up.


Its too bad that you have twenty entired pages full of people encouraging you not to take you life, and who are giving you advice on what you can do, but you're not really seeing or taking any of it in. Its actually very sad, and I find myself hoping that no many more people post on this thread, because its obvious you aren't listening at all.


You seemed concerned that there were posts missing, but I don't really understand why, seeing as how you said you don't want advice, you just want to know how to die.


If you wanted to die that badly, you would have found a way already. If you wanted to die so bad, then it wouldn't matter how long it took, or how much it hurt, because eventually you'd be dead anyways and it wouldn't even matter at all. If you are afraid of having the last moments of your life be in pain, then you are really pretty selfish, because you are, afterall, ending your life. It shouldn't be something that feels good, or that you should enjoy, or that should be easy. That's just ridiculous.


I say do what you want though. You probably didn't even read a word I said.

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i've heard a lot of tall tales, but this seems to be the tallest...I have a feeling that we're all just being had...i think this kid just wants some attention or somehow gets some pleasure from this...the story just doesn't seem believable anymore, stop using this forum for attention and to screw with people to waste their time...and if this were real you might have listened to all the good people who wanted to help you

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