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advice please


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Me and my girlfriend of 3 years broke up a week and a half ago. We have a 3 year old son together. We have been on in off pretty bad for the last few months. She moved back with her parents 4 months ago because we broke up. Since then its been on and off. This time i got a phone call from a girl and i recognized the number and answered it in front of her and pretened that it was a guy. i did this because i knew she would over react. How can she be mad that a girl called me since we have been broken up for weeks at a time. A guy texted her a few weeks ago when i was with her i didnt get all mad.. I know i shouldnt of lied about it. Anyways so we have been broken up for just over a week and a half, and she has been texting me almost everyday saying things like:


"I think your really amzing, it makes me sad but happy that the next girl you date will benefit from you changing. Just wish i was worth it to you."


when we first broke up she was trying to tell me im going to get my son less, then she text me again 2 days ago saying:


"Its hard to sleep when i feel like you hate me, I dont want to keep our son from you And i apologize if it looked like i was trying to keep him from you cause i wasnt."


Most of the time when she textes me dont respond. I dont get what she's trying to do here, i want her back but i need her to do the reconciling since she is the one who broke up with me. Not sure she will. Oh and when she went out with her friends the other day she "accidently text me 3 times at 2 am.


What should i do, just continue to move on ? wait for her to say something?

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Well from reading your post I get two feelings.


1. She still has feelings for you and wants you back.

2. She is secretly afraid of you moving on and not seeing your son as a consequence.


I'm not sure which one (if any) holds true but I agree that you should be honest, just sit down and have it out. Lay the cards out on the table, call a spade a spade and no beating about the bush. It's the only way to move forward.


Hope this helps

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i want to tell her exactly how i feel, but im just scared. Im afraid she just going to use that incentive to completley move on after knowing that i still want her.. I really dont know what to do.. I guess its true that is you want something bad enough you have to go for it...

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thanks for your advice.. i think im going to wait a week and see how i feel then. If she doesnt try to reconcile by then i will make the attemp. I feel we still need a little more time to pass so i and her can make the right decision whether to get back together or not

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