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Guys.. does her job matter?


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So this is a question to all the guys on here.


In the dating scene, do you judge women on their job? Or even, by their level of education?


Would a woman in a trade be a dealbreaker for any reason? Would you not date a woman who wasn't college educated?


I demand that she be college educated or at least making very good progress towards a degree and that she be in a profession that requires or mostly requires a college degree.

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if it isn't the greatest job but she goes to school, i don't mind. if she is out of school and has a good degree but cannot find anything at the moment, that doesn't bother me if they are looking. if they have no car, a crappy job and don't go to school, then yeah, makes a huge difference.

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I don't judge women by either, so as long as they can support themselves or are going to school.


But what does matter is what she wants for herself and how she goes about implementing action to make it happen. If she wants to work at whatever fast-food type chain making minimum wage the rest of her life, has absolutely no motivation, makes excuses, etc. then yes, I judge.

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I don't care how educated a girl is, or what kind of job she has. The only things that matter are, in no particular order:


1) Can I have intelligent conversations with her?

2) Is she pretty?

3) When we're together, are we comfortable, are things easy?

4) Does she have charm?

5) Is there chemistry?

6) Is she a nice person, polite, well-behaved, sensible?

7) If you introduced her to your family or friends, would they think she is crazy, eccentric, annoying, or would they like her (the answer has to be they would like her, of course)?


And then there is the kind of attraction that is difficult to define or explain. We like some people, and others less, it's just the way it is.

That sounds really reasonable. Except eccentric. Whats wrong with eccentric?

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I'm not going to write off a woman for being unemployed or whatever, but just like *everything else about her*, her career or life pursuit, how she feels about it, how good at it she is, why she does it, etc. will factor into my impression of her.


If I met two women who were identical in every way except one had a job that I admired more or was attracted to more than the other, it would make a difference.


A job/career is just part of a bigger package. It's rarely a dealbreaker, but unlike others in this thread, I could not say that it has no effect at all on my impression of a women - I'd be lying if I said that!

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Nah, not really. Well, maybe education to a point. I only say that because of one bad date I was on. I actually detailed it in a thread titled something like "Bad Date Stories" or whatever.


Anyway, I met a girl through the site OK Cupid, and I met her in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. I was living in the near south side and had to drive out to meet her at her favorite hangout, which was a bar within a bowling alley.


It was a bad date all around, but I asked her what she does, and she says she wasn't employed. I asked her if she's in school (college, really, since she was 23 or so) and she said she never bothered to go because she was sick of getting up early, trying to pay attention, taking notes, doing homework, carrying heavy books, etc. She mentioned something about being a writer of fiction and I asked if she had anything published. She told me she hadn't even completed a short story yet, let alone had anything published.


Bottom line, I don't mind for the most part, but even I have standards.

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I couldn't care less about her job honestly. The only thing that could bother me is if she made way more money than me, call me old fashioned, but I would feel intimidated and somewhat uncomfortable.


As far as education, I would prefer that she is a high school graduate, beyond that I don't care. She can be way smarter than me (most women are that doesn't bother me.

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