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I was wonderin if u could help me? ok here it goes i was goin out with my ex b/f ( lets call him joe) for about a month and the first two weeks it was great! we made out, we held hands, we went out on dates and stuff that couples do. then the next week he didn't act normal and all of my friends were telling me that he was cheating on me and i didn't believe because of the stubborn fool i am. so the next two weeks go by and i find out from a friend that he was really cheating on me. and i went up to joe and i was like are u cheating on me. and joe said he wasn't well i didn't believe him so we broke up. then the next week all of our friends were hanging out and he pulled me over to a quiet place and he asked me why did you break up with me and i said u kno why and joe said refresh my memory and i was like because you cheated on me. and then i said just tell me this why did you do it, and he siad because it was boring and then i was like boring! then the next day he started fliting with me a whole lot and he is starting to be my friend again and i think that i am falling in love again and i think about him all the time and i am dreaming about him and seein him even when he is not there and it is driving me crazy and everytime i see him in reality i just want him to like me again and it could be like old times and we flirt sometimes and we talk some times and i just want to ask is this normal for me to be feeling like this b/c i did the same thing with all my other b/f's and they didn't hit me as hard as joe hit me. does he still like me? i just don't kno. he is driving me crazy and i find my self always thinking about him and i just don't kno so if any one out there can help me please take ten mins out of your scedule to help me!



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Hihi Short,

I have been sent to give thee a wake up call! Often, the more unnatanable something is the more we want it. He said that your relationship was boring! I dont think that is a healthy attitude towards your realationship do you? And this guy's response to making your relationship (after only 2 weeks?!) less boring was to cheat on you! Sounds like Joe isnt too honorable, i know u want to get those feelings u had with him back but u need to discipline urself a little so you wont get stuck with this guy. But there is hope, find someone else, but dont go on a rebound eh, i can assure that he is not the only guy in the world with the potential to make u feel the way u do! Analyze the reasons that you feel the way you do, is it that you actually had something special, or that you just want him back because u could never have him the way u wanted in the first place.

Good luck gurl.

-your pal FISCH

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