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The boys are up her butt, I don't try as hard

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So my crush has really come out of her shell recently and I think she kinda likes me. The thing is the way the guys at work go after her is like watching greyhounds chase a rabbit aroung a track. I see these guys so I've kind of pulled back. I really don't want to feel like I'm chasing her too. I'm still very friendly, but I'm not as outgoing now. She's been doing things to try and get my attention lately, but I haven't really been responsive. I've noticed she's a little shy now.


Sometimes I do kick myself for not responding to her flirtiness or for not starting a conversation.


She's my coworker so I know that has something to do with it too, but I do want to keep this chemistry we have. It's like why am I distancing myself when I enjoy her company so much?


Sometimes I wonder if I'm subconsciously trying to push her away.

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Because dating a co-worker can many times turn out to be complicated. Especially when everyone else is showing interest in her. I know I personally wouldn't feel too comfortable with it and wouldn't pursue for that reason. But if you think it's worth it then just try to be a bit more friendly so she doesn't feel as though you're not interested in her.

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The more you ignore her the more you're going to get her attention.


Girls always go for the guys that aren't chasing after them.


There can be 20 that want them and they'll go for the 1 that ignores them.


I wouldn't be so standoffish but try to talk to her a little more.


Whatever you do, don't join that chase.

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Is it possible that she's deliberately trying to create a little boy pack?


This is possible, but I doubt it. I see her being just cordial in passing and then guys pulling donkeys out their butts just to get her to stop and talk.


This is far from universal, especially for shy or introverted people. OP do what feels right to you, you are in the best position to judge what is the best move to make.


She's hinting at hanging out, so I plan on resisting the temptation. This'll be a first, just being friends with the person I really really like.

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