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Should we be just friends or should I purse it?


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I liked this girl so I asked her to Grad(Canada's Prom). Everything was peachy for awhile, and I really thought she liked me. She is a friend of my sisters so she would come over on the weekends. She would cuddle with me in my own bed, so what am I suppose to think? Anyways, last weekend we were both really drunk and I look over and saw her basically cuddling with her ex from grade 10. I felt really bad, lead on, totally played. That night she slept at my house. My sister had a fight with her because she cares about me so much(twin sister). So the girl was crying and she wanted to talk to me. I went down stairs to fall asleep infront of the tv, then there she was. We talked to 6 in the morning and we fell asleep in each other's arms. The next night it seemed like she wasn't interested anymore. We sat on the couch and there was that "separation", which made me start thinking. She went home, but before she did, I asked her out on a date. The next day she decided to go with her friend to go skiing. When she called I wasnt home so I guess she didn't blow me off? For the rest of the weekend I went back to my previous feelings of being "played". That following monday and tuesday I didn't talk to her. Tuesday after school she approached me and we talked again. She said "lets pretend this never happened" and then when I asked her if we should go out she said "lets be friends and figure it out later","I dont know". Yet I replied "I dont know either". I felt like a lost someone specail, a possible girlfriend. So we really didn't talk for the rest of the week until she came over the other night. Things weren't really weird but I really miss the closeness to her. I love being around her, holding her. Then last night we hung out at one of my sister's friends house. It seemed like everything was back to normal. I was joking and messing around like before. The way she looks at me, I know theres still something there. I think she is afraid of what my sister thinks. I talked to one of her friends and she said she really like me, but she freaked out from what happened that one night. What should I do? One of my friends is telling me to stay away, or ill get hurt bad. Maybe I should not go hang out like last night? Should we be just friends or should I purse it? I still have that image in the back of my mind of her and that guy...

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To me, this girl sounds confused about the way she feels about you. In one hand, you're pretty close with the cuddling and stuff, but in the other is the fear of losing you over a break up and ex-BF thing. 1 thing you should know is people do weird stufff when they get drunk and she just did it with her ex. Unfortunitally, that has caused you both to with-hold from eachother. Now she thinks your mad at her and you feel hurt over what she did. The best thing you guys can do is talk about how you felt about what happened that night and tell her that you feel something is there between you two that is special or something. Don't tell her you like her, just tell her how you feel about her but don't rush it either. Do this on a date. I think she'd go with you since she called you when you wernt home, you just need to do it on the right day I guess. I hope that helps.

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When we talked I already told her that I liked her. Thats what I was thinking, she is scared of losing me or something because when i was talking to her she said "it seems to have the potential to be really bad" then i said "it could also be really good". I just dont know.

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