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I am sooo mad I could spit nails!!!!

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I have an on/off relationship with my best friend that lives 600 miles away. We have a mutual female friend that lives in his area. She was his friend before mine, but I thought that her and I had grown close over the past two years as well. She texts me quite often and was even planning to visit me in October. She is aware of my feelings for my best friend and has always seems supportive of it, but a few weeks ago, as I was having a conversation with her, it seemed to me that she was trying to feed me information to make me angry towards him. I'm not one for playing games and immediately saw what she was doing and chose to ignore most of what she was saying. I started to think about some things she had done over the past few years and wondered how much of her friendship with me was based on a lie. Was she being manipulative all along? I wasn't sure, but I have had limited contact with her for the past few weeks as a result. This past weekend she had a party at her house and my best friend attended. Today, he informed me that he got very drunk at the party and the female friend attempted to "rape" him...that was his words and we get the point, don't we? I'm furious!! Its a good thing she lives 600 miles away from me right now! I'm not an angry person. I rarely get mad at anything, but I can hardly type right now my hands are shaking so badly. She knows how I feel about him. She knows that I am very much in love with him and she knows that we had once again become intimate on my last visit there which wasn't even a month ago. I don't know how a person can be so cold and calculated. Am I being overly sensitive? Should I ignore this? Should I say something? I definitely don't want her to visit in October. I'd rather not have her in my home.

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It was a coinsidence that happpened but do you know for a fact it was her? if so you could say something about it but then she'll know that what she has done has worked on you like magic and she'll continue to do so. Or you could choose to ignore it, by the sounds of it your best friend doesn't semm to have an interest in the girl. If you ignore you'll show her that she hasn't won and that you have as this has made your best friend think less of her and more of you.

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