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IM in need of some Serious help..... Help!

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Divorced and have been single for 5 yrs, raising three children .. (tough task), but not as tough as it seems for me to date again. He is 9 yrs.. youger than I ... ( bonus). My problem is ... I'm not to sure if I believe him when he tells me he is not cheating on me with his ex. He leaves every weekend to travel to see his son,and stays with his ex .. all weekend, sometimes will even go one day during the week. We have been together a mth and a half and I feel like Im losing him due to my insecureness. In the beginning he said he would tell her about us.. and hasn't yet. Is he living a double life. Does his ex think he is out of town working all wk.. when he is living here... I dont want to say anything to him in fear ... he will flee.. he has told me thats why his last girlfriend didnt work out... Please help!

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I've always told myself this "trust your instints"! If you have suspicions or doubt its becuz he has done something to give you those feelings. If the relationship was solid, you would not be worrying.

Also remember this, as bad as this may sound, men only want one thing. Sex. And if they can't get it w/ more than one chic they will! If anything you should be using him as a booty call!

It's only been a month and a half for you in this relationship, maybe you should take a step back and enjoy the relationship for what it is now. Don't rush into anything serious with this guy. And for god sake I hope condoms are being used, especially if you have suspicions! Always better be safe then sorry!


There are plenty of men out there, don't get yourself wrapped up with a guy whos going to make you feel this way....its just isn't worth and and life is toooooo short!

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