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Ahhh! Doug! I forgot about Doug... I loved Quail Man and his dumb outfit. It rocked. Lol. I remembered that he always had that crush on patsy? i forget her name... but i do remember she had yellow hair with a blue shirt with pink polka dots on it.


Do you think that there's DVD's of these cartoons somewhere like season dvd's? I want to watch them again so bad! Lol.


Patty Mayonaise.

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Man, I remember everything from when I was a kid.


"Banging on a trash can,

drumming on a street light"!


And "the beets". Even when I was a kid, I knew that they were making a play on the beatles.


I loved Hey, Arnold too. Gah. Helga, Olga, arnold, stinky, grandpa, pheobe, herald, mr. wi....ahhh!!!!


Pete and pete. Great show. Waaaaay before its time. Arny the super hero and his tattoo petunia. Mom and her metal plate in the head.


I can still do old "All That" sketches by memory!

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you shoudl see my netflix queue--it's a lot of old school disney movies. i watched "the secret garden" on netflix instant the other night. i love old movies from childhood. it takes me back to a simpler time.


I memorize the whole chant thing they do around the fire. Great movie.

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