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I met a nice, cute guy. Opinions?


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So last night was very random! I was at my local bar with my mum and my friend. There is a man there that is a local, he comes and talks to us often. I met his son and daughter very briefly a couple of weeks back, the same bar had a party and barbeque on. I only said hello to them, then was mingling with othr people at the party, but I remember thinking he's very cute. Last night the man was talking about his son and I told him I think he's cute. He said "I'll try and get him to come along" the next thing I know he's handing me his phone and the guy is on the other end! So embarrassing. So I just said hello, how are you, and handed the phone back, haha. I got talking to a couple of other people and my mum and this guy, and another friend went to a different bar other the road. I said I'd be along in a little while.


When I got there the son was there! I was like *cringe* He's veerry cute. We said hello, and there was eye contact and smiling straight away. My friend had just bought me a drink, but the others wanted to leave to a different pub. As it was a plastic bottle, I said I'd sneak it out. I playfully asked the guy to hide it for me and he did in his coat and sneaked it in the next bar. We all sat down at a table and got talking. We were hitting it off right away, talking about his Uni course, music, all sorts of things. My mum said how she knows some sign language and I know a little bit. I taught him a few words, and he said he wanted to learn more. I said I would have to teach him, he smiled and said "Cool. You'll have to teach me by mid-September then, because that's when I'm back in a different city for Uni" (kinda sucks)


We were talking to each other more than with anyone else. There was eye contact and smiling. Sometimes he would look out of the corner of his eye and give a smile. I caught him checking out my *cough* chest like that a couple of times too. But he wasn't sleazy in the slightest. He was very sweet, held the door open for me and all sorts. At the end of the night his dad invited us all around for a drink, so we went. While walking there he and I walked behind them, slower, chatting. When we got round there, I had a hot chocolate and he showed me pictures of him when he was a kid, in his dad's bedroom. And we just sat in there for a while talking. He didn't make any moves though. Then we had to go. He asked if I wanted to come round the next day (today) for a roast dinner. But his dad was like " not tomorrow, I have to go somewhere, some other time" so I asked if he wanted to swap numbers. Everyone was like "ooohh" and he laughed and said "Yes, I don't mind" So we did. I ended it saying we'll talk soon.


I haven't heard from him yet. Haha, I know it's just the next day. He told me he was a quiet guy and was a bit shy. Does he sound interested? I know the man is usually meant to ask for the number, but since he asked me for dinner the next day I figured it wouldn't hurt? I'm not freaking out, it's only the next day and I don't even know him properly yet. I don't want to put my eggs into one basket yet - there is also another guy I'm getting to know. But that's not smooth at the moment at all. But anyway, my mum thinks because he's more on the quiet and reserved side I should send him a text first? Did I mess up asking for his number first though?

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Thanks. I'm thinking of sending him a text tomorrow. It's just you always hear the guy should initiate! If I do, what's the best way to go about it? Should I say it was nice meeting him, we should do it again? Or should I just say hello, be more casual and see if he does the asking? Hmm...he's off for summer then back to Uni, so don't want to leave it weeks waiting.

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Ahhh, so I sent him a text just saying "Hey **** a couple of hours ago. He just called me and asked if I wanted to do something tomorrow night. I said sure, that would be cool. He sounded pretty nervous and asked what I would like to do. He suggested going for a drink or to the movies. I could tell he was nervous and I was too, but I think he was some more than me. I felt like I needed to help him out. So I asked "how about I text you tomorrow during the day with something we could do?" he said yes. So any suggestions what we could do anyone? I feel all nervous and girlie. lol.

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Ahhh, so I sent him a text just saying "Hey **** a couple of hours ago. He just called me and asked if I wanted to do something tomorrow night. I said sure, that would be cool. He sounded pretty nervous and asked what I would like to do. He suggested going for a drink or to the movies. I could tell he was nervous and I was too, but I think he was some more than me. I felt like I needed to help him out. So I asked "how about I text you tomorrow during the day with something we could do?" he said yes. So any suggestions what we could do anyone? I feel all nervous and girlie. lol.


YAY! Well, movie and drink sounds great. You can get some time to talk, and some time to relax and watch. Nice combo.

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