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Back around after a couple of months?


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A little background. I met this woman about 8 months ago, she had just broken up with her fiancee and whatnot. Just friends, we would go out for coffee and dinner and talk and so forth. Anyway, so she went on this long trip to a foreign country, and we didn't talk during that time. She comes back and I kinda send her a hello, in which she suggests meeting up for coffee or dinner. We never set any date at all.


Two months go by and I send her a text today asking if she wants to meet up for coffee and catch up. She responds with a "Who is this?" Bad sign I know... so I respond back, apologize for loosing contact, and let her know it's me, Kevin, who is texting. Nothing, no response. So I send one back after 20 mins or so just saying "I take your lack of response as a no. No worries. Hope life is treating you well. Let me know if you change your mind."


Now it's been about an hour. I figure I'm not going to get a reply. This woman and I were only ever friends. I've never wanted to get romantic with her or anything, nothing ever happened between us, not even a hug. So my question is this: Did I do something wrong here?


I have many friends I only see every couple of months, we go into contact for a while, loose touch for a while, and the pattern repeats. It's not a big deal to me at all. I do however, feel kinda wronged here, but maybe I'm wrong to feel that way?



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